Any age/gender/running experience/weather. A 5-minute run to jog our memory. Image by Annabeth Robinson.
Front of worksheet for participants to mark what they thought of, where.
Back of worksheet outlining the idea behind the run.
With participants holding the worksheets, we chatted about memories triggered along the jog. See video by Annabeth Robinson
RUN! RUN! RUN! WARSAW: An Exercise to Jog Our Memory is a 5-minute exercise about place, memory, subjectivity and running — via running. It asks: How does running function as a catalyst to transform what we know about, or how we experience, interpret, or remember a place (such as the historically rich and complex Warsaw)? RUN! RUN! RUN! Warsaw is a new work that responses to Now Then Warsaw , which is the name of the Artist-In-Residency programme by 15 artists and designers from Leeds College of Art UK undertaken at the Centre For Contemporary Art in the Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Poland, February 26 – March 3 2015. COME COME COME join us in the p remiere: 2015 February 27 10:45hrs, Centre for Contemporary Art Warsaw, Jazdów 2, 00-001 Poland. Download step-by-step PDF guide. Run your own variations. Tweet your annotated maps.
RUN! RUN! RUN! Warsaw
Now then Warsaw! PV invitation on the Centre for Contemporary Art FB page
Warsaw: A city of hidden layers.
Memory-jogging, forgetting, stepping (out of comfort zone), documenting, mark making.
RUN! RUN! RUN! Warsaw. Trial run took place at 11am, 27 February 2015.
1-minute stretching exercise led by the feisty 75-year old Jon, whose grandparents on both sides have histories in Poland.
After the run, 1-minute exercise in mark-making and map-making.
After the run, 1-minute exercise in mark-making and map-making.
How to scale up the project? How to hack into it? How to run variations in other cities?
Working out how to run Monday’s Open Studio/ Private View.
Arrivals / starting points / points of departure / continuum.
Artist-In-Residency in Warsaw Centre for Contemporary Art