Run Run Run: An International Festival of Running 1.0 is founded and curated by Dr Alan Latham and Dr Kai Syng Tan. Alan and Kai are supported by a team consisting of:
Artistic Advisor: Ms Jo Volley
Slade Research Centre Studio Manager: Mr John Bremner
Resident Tweeter: Professor Anson MacKay
Official Timekeeper: Ms Jo Volley (who is also an England Athletics Timekeeper)
Festival Chef: Ms Jo Volley
Forerunners (big-hearted runners who have stepped forward to offer their time and expertise – unpaid – to prepare or take down the show at the space): Dr Carali McCall, Ms Kay Tabernacle, Mr Simon Cook, Ms Grace Barnett, Dr Veronique Chance, Mr Robin Kang, Mr Richard Wright and Dr Andrew Barnfield.
Alan and Kai were also the talented people who came up with the highly-imaginative title of the event, just to be doubly triply quadruply sure what our focus is (so, no, not crawling, not flying, not squatting, not sky-diving, and no, not walking.) Kai also acts as General Runner (Producer-Designer-Accountable-Accountant-Shameless-Publicist-Irritant-Nagger-Email-Spammer-Shopper-Of-60-Plastic-Sporks).
#r3fest would not have been possible without the support by:
UCL Joint Faculty Institute of Graduate Studies (JFIGS);
Highgate Harriers Athletics and Cross Country Running Club;
UCL Lunch Hour Lectures (@ucllhl), and
Peter Philips of UCL CALT, who kindly donated us large pieces of papers and marker pens for our activities.
Throughout the journey there had been many, many people who have helped/inspired us, or offered advice. This includes: the multi-talented Dr Marina Chang, curator Nick Booth, Research Coordinator Krisztina Lackoi, curator Mr Gareth Evans, NZ On Screen, Chi-Running expert Mr Balavan Thomas and Run and Become. We are truly grateful!