VIDEO: 20 Ways Running Can Transform Your World!

A moving moving-images rundown of my PhD research exploring running within an arty framework (Summer 2013)

This film is a (fun) rundown of my (not-as-fun) doctorate research (2009-2013) conducted at the Slade School of Fine Art as a University College London scholar. It explores the physical and poetic processes of running as a playful means to transform our relationship with the city, state and internet-mediated world, as well as the way we think. I work through the concept and practice of running through a range of disciplines and ideas, including digital aesthetics, the Chinese tradition of Taoism, the philosophy of correlative thinking, as well as emerging research in neuroscience on running. My outputs include durational performance, running-discourse-performance, lecture-performance, film (like this) and installation in the city and social-media platforms, as well as text (including a drryyyyyyy 80,000-word written thesis, and if you add those long-winded appendices, the total comes up to more than 100,000 words). Made in Summer 2013, the film features a new composition by award-winning composer Philip Tan. I premiered the film offline in September 2013 during my residency at the Slade Summer School. This is the online premiere (can’t you hear the fireworks and firecrackers and pork crackers going off?) The film has a running time of about 15 minutes, and runs quite swiftly (hence along the way maybe also proposing running as a way of seeing/looking). I shall stop punning with running as of now.

20 Ways Running Can Transform Your World! A rundown of my PhD research exploring running within an arty framework (Summer 2013) from kaisyngtan on Vimeo.

GIG: Stop Worrying! Love (Running.) @ UCL Art Museum


On the Eve of Valentine’s Day, come join me to explore why running is so lovable. Book now. Part of the UCL Art Museum’s Time-Based Media Series. !!! NEW DATE NEW VENUE!!!! Due to the tubestrike – yes, more! – I am moving the event to a later date and to a new room. It’s now at the UCL ART MUSEUM, on WEDNESDAY 26 FEBRUARY 18:30-19:30!! BOOK NOW! The performance will last no longer than 25 minutes (unless I am so encouraged to improvise – so don’t give me ideas!) and we could all merrily proceed to the pub thereafter. I know my priorities in life. Have a look at my interview here, written by the lovely art-historian-writer Helen R Cobby.
