Tired of standing still? Had enough of sitting around? Sick of taking things lying down? Done RUN! RUN! RUN!’s Running-Discourses, Running-Tours, Running-Games and Heritage Running-Trails and hungry for more more more? Join us for a series of NOT-RUN-OF-THE-TREAD-MILL-RUN! RUN! RUN!-s*. Options include:
- Run run running at exotic sites, such as debating about Pheidippides in Athens while, literally and metaphorically, following in the footsteps of the first and marathon-runner and running-ambassador;
- Giving these runs a geopolitical edge by running at contested borders, with participants from different sides of the fence such as along the DMZ line dividing the two Koreas;
- For the risk-takers who like to be extra ‘edgy’, we can run along geographical fault lines;
- Then, liminal sites such as airports can become exciting mise-en-scenes. There, we may debate upon the meaning of ‘home’, or home-sickness as in, being sick of home;
- We can also run at ‘no-man’s lands’, for instance, mid-air while on board an aeroplane and madly cross time-zones;
- Too prone to nausea, or too existential for that? Then run on the spot, anywhere, and discuss Camus’ Sisyphus or Beckett’s Happy Days.
Above: Madly crossing time zones in a Not-Run-Of-The-Tread-Mill-RUN! RUN! RUN! Below: Click to access Prezi first presented at the UCL Art Museum in 2014 February, where these runs were first publicised.
*One of the tags of the first RUN! RUN! RUN! event, the International Festival for Running 1.0 was that it was ‘not a run-of-the-mill conference’. In a review of the Festival, Dr Dave Hindley described it as ‘not run-of-the-(tread)mill’. Any other variations welcome.