CoRunnersThe RUN! RUN! RUN! International Body for Research works closely with long-term collaborator Philbeat (Singapore, with which it collaborated on the highly-successful 8th ASEAN Para Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies). In addition, it has close alliance with Leeds College of Art, where founder/director Kai is based as a Research Fellow, as well as Place Alliance (London, The Bartlett UCL). We run activities situated within and beyond the academic and art worlds, throughout and beyond the UK. We engage a diverse network of individuals and institutions. Running is our method and metaphor to cut across disciplinary, institutional, national and cultural boundaries. We also activate running as a starting point to work through some of the critical issues of today such as wellbeing, privacy and depression. So, whoever/wherever you are, there would be conversations and activities to do together. Become an associate or partner organisation of this public- and world-facing institution. Call us now. 

The image shows a sample of friends, co-runners, partners, sponsors, collaborators, commissioning bodies, visitors and so on, of RUN! RUN! RUN! and its events.