WORK WITH ME. Let’s make change together. Get in touch to work with me or support my endeavours as a partnering institution, creative collaborator, writer, project manager and more. Email me at kai [at] or DM me at Twitter @kaisyngtan.

TOWARDS COLLECTIVE LIBERATION: Anti-Racism Reading Group and other impacts of Pan African Congress Celebrations 2020

Summary some of my ongoing efforts in anti-racism and Black Lives Matter in collaboration with the outstanding Professor Ola Uduku (University of Liverpool Head of Architecture) in Manchester and the Northwest region and beyond.

03/12/2024: BOOK REVIEW by tattooist-design-scholar Dr Adam McDade

Tentacles Making Fists: Re-Imagining and Neuro-Futurising Leadership, with Dr Kai Syng Tan is a review of my book ‘Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership’ by Dr Adam McDade for Council for Higher Education in Art & Design CHEAD website. is an illustrator, designer, tattooist, and independent scholar from Sunderland, based in Manchester, UK. He holds a PhD in Design (2021) and produced the first ever piece of academic research to utilise tattooing practice as a research methodology. CHEAD is the UK representative body for 70 Higher Education institutions (HEIs) in art, design, creative media, and related disciplines.

04/09/2024: UK PREMIERE: John Hansard Gallery performance-lecture + fundraising for Palestine

YOU ARE INVITED to an animated evening that shares insights into the making of the book Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership: An A-Z Towards Collective Liberation by artist-agitator-advisor Kai Syng Tan at the John Hansard Gallery in Southampton, UK. Drawing on the big-picture thinking and risk-taking approach of neuro-divergence, the book introduces ‘neuro-futurism’ as a toolkit, to re-claim ways to think about and do ‘leadership’ as a diversified, beyond-colonial, neuro-queered and (co-)creative change- and future-making practice.

28/06/2024: May we become FAB PALS?

Love and leadership meets ethics meet counter-mapping meets finding /forming new alliances meets a re-imagination of my new home. FAB PALS is a new project I am leading, commissioned by Social Practice Lab by invitation, and funded by the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton.


News, forthcoming activities

JOIN ME: Love-led Masters to Dismantle the ‘Master’s’ Story of Leadership

The following is a version of what I first published on Valentines Day on Instagram. It is a further example from my call for those in Higher Education and beyond to centre love in what / how we do, as shared in my recent op-eds.

02/2024: Looking for Love

In this op-ed published for the Valentine’s season on the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) blog, I am looking for and locating concepts and actions around a four-letter word – love. 

11/2023: Installation + Speed-Dating + Podcast, Winchester Gallery

What could our future look like? Even — or especially — when the absurdity and extra-ordinariness of how things are makes this a preposterous question to raise, let alone respond to, it is imperative that we insist, persist, and resist, by making, re-making, re-imagining and re-inventing our truths, to re-write our own stories, histories and futures, to work through our pain, trauma and joys. Come ‘Have a Speed-Date With Kai – Let’s Re-Imagine our (Collective) Future Together’, at a group show Ordinary Things (02-25 November 2023), The Winchester Gallery, curated by Professor of Visual Politics Louise Siddons.

3 BOOKS: Springer Nature (2024), Taylor and Francis (2025), World Scientific (2027)

I enjoy playing with words and the written language as creative material. However, certain ‘standard’ approaches can present difficulty. Being dyslexic, academic writing and reading aren’t my mother tongue. I am thus delighted to have signed not one but three book contracts recently. The books are distinct in their tone, case studies and reach, but also, interrelated. They will reach the world from 2024.

07/2023: Joining University of Southampton + Goodbye Manchester

I’ve migrated back down south — quiet south. I’m thrilled to share that since July 2023, I’ve become Associate Professor in Arts and Cultural Leadership at University of Southampton’s Winchester School of Art.


Gallery of commissioners, clients, groups, media & organisations in & beyond research, HE, creative & cultural sectors, governmental departments & more that I’ve worked with, in Iceland, Ireland, Tokyo, NY, London, Dumaguete, Singapore & more.

WORKSHOPS: KCL Affective Disorder MSc and St Georges Global Health Humanities MSc

Since 2018 I have been an invited Visiting Lecturer to teach on two MSc programmes: St Georges University London & Birkbeck: Global Health Humanities MSc, and King’s College London (KCL): Affective Disorder MSc.

WORKSHOP: Why must we bang on about ‘Adult Themes’?

In this course, we will look at clips from my commissioned film about a ‘neuro-futuristic’ 2050, How to Thrive in 2050, then break into groups and share thoughts and action for our immediate and longer term future. We will cover tactics to push back the pushback, such as forms of censorship and control. Premiere: 3 May 2022, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester UK.

MASTERCLASS: At Uni of Oxford’s Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School 2022

I will be delivering a workshop with Dr Mohammed Rashed entitled ‘From Conditions to Encounters: The Problem of Understanding in Philosophy of Psychiatry’ at Mind, Value and Mental Health: Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School 2022, St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford.


You can buy everything you can see on this website, and more. This includes: drawings, art objects like the tapestry above myself, and my thinking time. As I over-think, this will not come cheap. You have been warned.

INNOVATION/INTERVENTION: Theorising ‘Neurodivergent Leadership’ (2022-2023 project)

What can ‘Neurodivergent Leadership’ look like? A 15-month creative practice-led research project. Get in touch now to support/collaborate!

COMMISSION: Let’s Imagine A Neuro-Futuristic 2050 together at Attenborough Arts Centre

What would a neurodiversity-led reality look like? My installation and performance at the Attenborough Arts Centre in the exhibition The World is A Work In Progress (curated by Rachel Graves, 25 September 2021 – 16 January 2022) in Leicester, UK proposes that art and neuro-inclusion are key in creating bold visions of how things can be better, and that each of us can play an active part in that process.

Flagrant fragrances

Out now: Compliance, Model Minority and Docility: A set of three new fragrances. Apply amply. If you think you have applied enough, bend over backwards to do even more.

ARTICLE: Covid-19 and Mental Health: Could Visual Art Exposure Help? in Frontiers

This is an op-ed published in Frontiers in Psychology. It is led by Laura Gallo (formerly King’s College London neuroscience MSc student), in collaboration with myself, Dr Vincent Giampietro and Dr Patricia Zunszain (King’s College London).

NEWS: Joining British Journal of Psychiatry Bulletin Editorial Board

I’m delighted to join the British Journal of Psychiatry Editorial board. ‘ve been asked to help shape content, especially with the new culture section, and to help commission and identify reviewers and contributors. Contact me if you are keen to get involved!

Come do your PhD / PostDoc with me

I welcome new PhD and post-doctoral researchers, and/or PhD external examination opportunities, across diverse subject areas within and beyond the creative arts and humanities


Want to work with me? Here’s how.

Running Artfully Network (RAN) inaugural £1000 Award: Deadline 31/1/2021

Can running-inspired art and art-inspired running catalyse artful ways forward for a more equitable post-pandemic future?

What could a neurodiversity-led 2050 look like? RSA premiere

Instead of OBE/MBE/CBE, we’ll have NDE (NeuroDiversity medal of Excellence). Universities will finally stop failing or boring people, offering interdisciplinary MASc and PhDs. ‘Neurodiversity’ will also become truly diversified. We’ll then run around with tentacles on our heads. New performance-lecture at Royal Society of Arts attended by 130 people.

Finally, a dating app that works

Extensive fieldwork proved that most dating apps suck. Thus, this is ‘Hinder’, my unintuitive dating app.

How racist are art schools?

05/2020: Get in touch to help me learn and do better as a woman, teacher, artist, and human being.


Speed dates are the perfect format for the short-attention spanned, novelty-chasing, risk-desiring, boredom-adverse, intellectually-promiscuous ADHD person. Thus, I curated this speed-dating event at the South London Gallery in June 2018.

This is not an ally

This is a new performance-lecture created in June 2020. It will premiere on 7 July 2020 at Manchester School of Art. It was developed from a talk I gave at Live Art Developmental Agency Summer 2019, by invitation by ‘allies’.

Single Octopussy Seeks Artful Atypical Agile date to co-create hopeful 2050

Amid times of distress. we must give birth to hope. Let’s build new visions together and live happily ever after. Speed-date me. You will ask for more.

10 Reasons Scientists must work with Neurodiverse & Creative Allies Now



Desperate times call for desperate, artful measures. Our relationship with time gets distorted when we are desperate. A key response to the pandemic has been the coining of…

Other efforts during the pandemic

04/2020: Other efforts during the pandemic in local and professional contexts and beyond.

UK Adult ADHD Network

04/2020: As UKAAN Creative and Cultural Consultant, I put together a few creative resources for mental health professionals and service users.

JOIN NOW! Neurodiversity In/& Creative Research Network #NeurodiversityCreativeResearch

03/2020: Keen to explore the messy and magical entanglements between neurodiversity, creativity and research, and all the possibilities and intersections in between? Join the Neurodiversity In/And Creative Research Network, a new international hub.

JOIN NOW! Running Cultures Research Network

JOIN NOW! I co-founded and manage the Running Cultures Research Group in 2014 which has been key in helping to widening and advancing the emerging ‘Running Studies as an arts and humanities discourse.

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