SOUTH LONDON GALLERY: Speed dates are the perfect format for the short-attention spanned, novelty-chasing, risk-desiring, boredom-adverse, intellectually-promiscuous ADHD person. Thus, on 5th June 2018, I curated this speed-dating event at the South London Gallery. I ‘match-made’ experts and the curious in the arts and the human mind to exchange thoughts around mind wandering, neurodiversity, the creative process. This was part of the Arts in Mind Festival, for which #MagicCarpet was also commissioned for an exhibition and workshop. #MagicCarpet was an award-winning art-psychiatry commission (2017-2019) with a large body of diverse academic and artistic outputs in which I (slowly-)dated Professor of Psychiatry Philip Asherson, and gatecrashed into the world of brain and mind scientists.  

Caption: Wandering Minds: Experts from the arts and mind matchmade through a speed-dating event at the South London Gallery. Part of #MagicCarpet (Kai Syng Tan 2017-2019). Photograph by Alex Lloyd.