Tag: TV radio press media engagement

Here are some of my appearances on and/or engagement with popular TV, radio, podcasts and printed press. Go to ‘Watch/Listen’ for more, and go to ‘Films’ for films I have made.

2025: BOOK TOUR: Join me in Helsinki, Singapore, London, Loire Valley France, Manchester, Amsterdam, Cambridge, Coventry and online

Join me on my forthcoming book tour in Helsinki, Singapore, London, Manchester and online.

03/12/2024: BOOK REVIEW by tattooist-design-scholar Dr Adam McDade

Tentacles Making Fists: Re-Imagining and Neuro-Futurising Leadership, with Dr Kai Syng Tan is a review of my book ‘Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership’ by Dr Adam McDade for Council for Higher Education in Art & Design CHEAD website. is an illustrator, designer, tattooist, and independent scholar from Sunderland, based in Manchester, UK. He holds a PhD in Design (2021) and produced the first ever piece of academic research to utilise tattooing practice as a research methodology. CHEAD is the UK representative body for 70 Higher Education institutions (HEIs) in art, design, creative media, and related disciplines.

23/10: PODCAST: Tentacular Pedagogy: navigating Embodied Justice and Neurodiversity in HE

Watch my podcast on The Embodied Educator with Dr Liz Wientjes, where I discuss Tentacular Pedagogy and how it relates to social justice and anti-oppression.

12/2023: Guggenheim Museum feature

There is a new feature Making the Invisible Visible: Embracing Neurodivergent Perspectives through Art on the Guggenheim Museum website by Shanley Chien Pierce, published 8th December. This story explores the ‘Model Minority Myth’ and East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities, where conformity is key and strict codes are adhered to.   

10/2023: Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Juror + Film Director

I was juror for the prestigious Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (YIDFF)’s New Asian Currents in Japan. There will also be a showcase for my films, during which I will show How to Thrive in 2050 (2021, commissioned for BBC Culture in Quarantine) and Chlorine Addiction (2000, which was at the NAC in 2001 too, as well as multiple international showcases including Transmediale 2001).

10/2023: BBC World Service ‘The Conversation’ guest

When I was asked to appear on BBC World Service to discuss women and ADHD with Kim Chakanetsa, I said yes. After all, the show’s good enough for Olympian & powerhouse (and ADHD-er) Simone Biles. When asked whom I’d like to chat with, I named my friend Dr. Jane Sedgwick-Müller. Listen in on our lively discussion 2nd October 2023.

11/2023: Installation + Speed-Dating + Podcast, Winchester Gallery

What could our future look like? Even — or especially — when the absurdity and extra-ordinariness of how things are makes this a preposterous question to raise, let alone respond to, it is imperative that we insist, persist, and resist, by making, re-making, re-imagining and re-inventing our truths, to re-write our own stories, histories and futures, to work through our pain, trauma and joys. Come ‘Have a Speed-Date With Kai – Let’s Re-Imagine our (Collective) Future Together’, at a group show Ordinary Things (02-25 November 2023), The Winchester Gallery, curated by Professor of Visual Politics Louise Siddons.


Portraits of Kai Syng Tan for media use.

OP-ED: Using Tentacular Pedagogy to change the HE culture

This op-ed for The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE, 16 Nov 2022) outlines an inclusive and heuristic (co-) creative teaching/learning praxis that I term ‘tentacular pedagogy’ (TP), that aims to make creative arts in Higher Education more inclusive and socially-engaged, and for CA-HE to play a more (pro-)active leadership role within HE and beyond in nurturing a more creative and compassionate future, amid the perma- and omni-crises within UK HE and beyond.

INTERVIEW: Watch mine 46’26” (plus those with Steve Silberman & Rees Finlay)

Watch my chat with artist Jonathan Drury, of Dialogue Village. Other interviews in the series include one with author of the 2016 cult book NeuroTribes, Steve Silberman, as well as official Star Wars and Stranger Things artist Rees Finlay.

INTERVIEW: Why should normality be ‘gold standard’?

Why is normality the gold standard, when the “norm” hasn’t worked for a while? Isn’t it time for new models of leadership, and new role models? Isn’t it more exciting to be non-standard, to be covered in glitter, and to embrace a phenomenal spectrum of colours and possibilities?’ Read my interview on neurodiversity and creativity with Jane Clark at Beshara magazine.

BBC RADIO 4: Black leadership 1945, BLM 2020 and Afrofuturism 28’00”

BBC Radio 4 programme on the 5th Pan African Congress in Manchester and how it relates to BLM today, covering the PAC@75 celebrations that I co-curated with the Prof Ola Uduku who is interviewed in the programme.

PODCAST: With Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage on #PAC75 48’02”

CREDIT: Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage MCPHH. October 2021 ‘The Legendary 1945 Manchester Pan African Congress: Professor Ola Uduku, Dr Kai Syng Tan, and Dr Marie…


>38 citations in research platforms, >100 citations in art catalogues and >100 media engagement, including in EU-funded film watched 40K times, Art It (Japanese art journal), BBC Radio, Times Higher Education.

INVITED RESPONSE: Neurodivergent reading of National Archives artefact 3’49”

I was invited to select from and respond to a range of museum artefacts through a neurodivergent prism. I selected an artefact from the National Archives, which is an extract from an Education Department draft circular on the introduction of 11+ exam, July 1945.

Disability History Month 2020: MMU Role Model + UAL chat 48’42”

It is Disability History Month and this article was published by Manchester Metropolitan University. As its ‘Disabled Staff Role Model’, I talked about being a neurodivergent academic, and how I spent 12 hours to write 160 words in a form.

DISABILITY ARTS ONLINE: White supremacy in UK’s ‘liberal’ art world

We are as racist as any other sector. We have sophisticated ways of covering it up. I don’t want to resuscitate that. It remains the job of a lot of us to keep calling out on bad practices and faux liberalism’.

R22 French radio 48’39”

This was an interview with R22: WEB RADIO OF THE ARTS AND COMMONS. I was interviewed with artist and Director of Fermynwoods Contemporary Art James Steventon.

#PAC75: Youtube channel

Here are just 3 of several films on the #PAC75: The 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the 5th Pan African Congress in Manchester, Viewing the Past and Looking to the Future channel. Do watch, and use them for learning, teaching and research. More videos to be uploaded during the Black History Month 2020!

KUOPIO, FINLAND: Kids (aged 7-14) teach adults (top age 82) how to have unadulterated fun 00’18”

On the inversion of power, giggling, throwing tantrums and having unadulterated fun fun fun. #Antiadultrunrunrun Masterclass, ANTI Festival Commission, Kuopio, Finland. A performance-lecture of this was later delivered at Royal Geographical Society’s Annual Conference.

#MagicCarpet: Gatecrashing the world of mind and brain sciences 07’19”

We Sat On A Mat and Had a Chat and Made Maps! #MagicCarpet (2017-2019)was an award-winning art-psychiatry commission, mentored by Professor of Psychiatry Philip Asherson.

BBC RADIO 3: Running + Art 45’00”

Panel discussion on RUN! RUN! RUN! Biennale and my solo work on Free Thinking.

New Thinking, New Making 05’11”

This was an interview with Winkball Media during the exhibition King’s Artists – New Thinking, New Making (October – December 2018), London, UK.

BUNKER TALKS: Being ‘artful’ and ‘ill-disciplined’ amid/beyond a pandemic 40′ 00″

04/2020: Watch this interview (40 minutes) on ‘artful leadership’. With Dr Michael Pinchbeck.


My work has been widely covered by mainstream printed media in UK, Tokyo, Singapore since 1992. Here are a few recent examples.

RESONANCE FM: Arts in Mind Discussion 59’43”

Interview for my commission in the Arts in Mind Festival, which showcases creative collaborations between leading artists and psychiatrists, psychologists and neuroscientists.

PODCAST: Where are neurodivergent leaders in the cultural and academic sectors? 17’00”

Where are neurodivergent leaders in the Cultural and Academic Sectors? Premiered at Birkbeck, Arts Week May 2019.

PODCAST: Too much / not enough neurodiversity in UK academia? 17’00”

Is there too much, or not enough ‘neurodiversity’ in art & academia in the UK? Premiered at Birkbeck, Arts Week May 2019.

Life On The RUN! RUN! RUN! 72’21”

This is a recording of a conversation I had with artist Melanie Manchot at Fermynwoods Contemporary Art, 4th August 2015. I also shared a performance-lecture called ‘Life On The RUN! RUN! RUN! in the form of a Prezi.

EU-funded film with 50K views (03/2022): Shine a light 11’15”

EU-funded film on ADHD that was viewed 17,000 within first month.

PODCAST: As an Artist-Academic 28’03”

Lsten to interview with Donald Lush, King’s College London (2019).

SWISS RADIO: Kaidie seeking Heidi in Switzerland 05’44”

Listen to my interview for a Swiss radio station on my 1000-day performance as ‘Kaidie’ while an artist-in-residence in Winterthur. Switzerland.

ESRC FILM: Let’s Talk Mental Health 13’00”

Economic and Social Research Council commissioned film by Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences Professor Louise Arseneault. I interviewed Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive of Centre for Mental Health.

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