My work is frequently cited in peer-reviewed research, arts and cultural, professional and popular media platforms. Examples include Bijutsu Tetcho (Japanese arts magazine), Lianhe ZaoBao (national Chinese language newspapers in Singapore), Tatler, BBC Radio, Time Out, Times Higher Education Supplement and Guardian aside, there were even two ‘live’ interviews in the Japanese language on Fuji television (Tokyo) and a morning TV talk-show (Beppu), Japan. For the rest of my CV, click here. For testimonials, see here.
- Wientjes, Liz, dir. 2024. #34 Tentacular Pedagogy: Navigating Embodied Justice and Neurodiversity in HE with Kai Syng Tan. Podcast and video recording. The Embodied Educator.
- University of Southampton. 2024. ‘WSA Hosts Award-Winning Film Maker Nausheen Khan’. 10 June 2024.
- University of Southampton. 2023. ‘Associate Professor Dr Kai Syng Tan Jurors at Prestigious International Film Festival | Winchester School of Art | University of Southampton’. News.
- Filipska, Gudrun. 2023. ‘Walking, Running & Feminist Art Practice’. Workshop presented at the London Drawing Group, February 27.
- Blackburn, Manuella. 2022. ‘The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Engagement Fellowship Pilot AHRC Funding Scheme Report’.
- Ong, Jade Munslow. 2022. ‘Decolonising Teaching and Research’. SA Modernism. 11 November 2022.
- Mudura, Diana. 2022. ‘Decolonising Teaching and Research in Literary Studies and the Being Human Festival 2022’. SA Modernism (blog). 23 November 2022.
- Cook, S. and Larsen, J. 2022. ‘Geographies of running cultures and practices’, Geography Compass, 12660.
- Asherson, P. et al. 2022. OROS-methylphenidate to reduce ADHD symptoms in male prisoners aged 16–25 years: a RCT. Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research (Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation).
- Geurts, Anna P.H. 2022. ‘Book Review: Mobilities, Literature, Culture by Marian Aguiar, Charlotte Mathieson, Lynne Pearce’. The Journal of Transport History, January. ‘…exciting chapter on the activist potential of “art-ful” running across the consumerist city’.
- Chloe Hughes. 2021. MA thesis, Curating Contemporary Art. Royal College of Art.
- Ravetz, Amanda. 2021. ‘Social Art For Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (SAFEDI)’. Axisweb
- Barry, Kaya. 2020. ‘Creative Arts Practice in Mobilities’. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Mobilities, 315–324. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Filmer, Andrew. 2020. ‘Endurance Running as Gesture in Contemporary Theatre and Performance’. Contemporary Theatre Review 30 (1): 28–45
- Holland, Kieran. 2020. ‘A Sense of Play: (Re)Animating Place through Recreational Distance Running’. In Developing a Sense of Place, 255–71.
- Liew, Jessica (MA Digital Journalism Goldsmiths University) 2020. Art brands adapting to Covid-19
- Stansbie, Lisa. 2019. ‘Fields of Vision: Arts & Sport Communities & Methods of Practice’. Athens Journal of Sports by Athen Institute for Education & Research.
- Cianetti, Alessandra. 2019. “Art and Academia: A Non-Scientific Equation to Work Together.” PsychART.
- Open Philosophy, Vo 2, Issue 1, Pages 30-38, ISSN 2543-8875, Sanna Lehtinen, pub by De Gruyter.
- Rasmussen, Annette Bang. 2018. “What is it like to have ADHD?” Aarhus Universitet. October 31.
- ADHD Institute. 2018a. “Day 2: 5th EUNETHYDIS International Conference on ADHD.” and Day 3.
- Economic and Social Research Council. 2018. ‘Let’s Talk Mental Health’. 2018.
- National Coordination Centre for Public Engagement NCCPE. 2018. ‘Images of Public Engagement 2018’.
- Showcasing Success. 2018. Report on cultural achievements of King’s College London.
- Arts and Mind Festival. 2018. King’s College London.
- King’s College London. 2018. “Exhibition of Work from Artist-Academic Collaborations Launches at Bush House”.
- King’s College London. 2019. ‘An Arts Academic with Dr. Kai Syng Tan’ (podcast). Careers in Your Ears.
- Birkbeck University of London. 2018. ‘Too Much/Not Enough: Neurodiversity & Cultural Production’ (podcast). Birkbeck Arts Festival.
- King’s College London. 2018. Inside King’s: The Cultural Community at King’s and Beyond.
- King’s College London. 2018. Understanding Neurodiversity in HE & Beyond (film).
- King’s College London. 2018. Arts in Mind Festival (film).
- King’s College London. 2018. Dr. Kai Syng Tan at King’s Artists – New Thinking, New Making (film).
- Resonance FM. Clear Spot: Arts In Mind, 2018. Mixcloud. 4 June.
- King’s College London Culture. 2017. ‘Six Contemporary Artists to Take up Residencies at King’s.’.
- King’s College London. 2017. “Dr Kai Syng Tan in the SGDP”
- Watson, A., 2018. Embracing the non-linear (Password ’nonlinear’). Choreographing Clumsy.
- Joanna, M., 2018. Why Is ADHD More Common in Boys Than Girls? ReliaWire.
- J. Sedgwick, 2018. Art Meanders with Psychiatry on a MagicCarpet at the SGDP. ADDISS Newsletter April.
- Long, J. & Sandle, D., 2018. Investigating the interrelationships between sport and the arts. Sport in Society.
- Lancaster University. 2017. Mobile Utopia: Art and Experiments. An Exhibition curated by Jen Southern, Emma Rose Linda O’Keefe. p2.
- 2017: UKAAN Congress 2017 report.
- Rashed, M.A., 2017. Response to Order/Disorder, Kai Syng Tan’s UCL IAS Talking Points Seminar.
- Hindley, David. 2016. “Run! Run! Run! Biennale 2016.” RUNNING THE LINE. November 24.
- Tainio, Matti. 2016. “RUN! RUN! RUN! Biennale 2016” Dec13.
- Cregan-Reid, Vybarr. 2016. Footnotes: How Running Makes Us Human. London: Ebury Press. 246-248.
- Laine, Jenni. 2016. The Fear of Failure. Making of Images and Physical Exercise in the Development of Personal Pedagogy. PhD thesis, Aalto University, Finland.
- Oshima, S., 2016. MA / VOID.
- Grove-White, Annie. 2015. Giving Walking a Run For Its Money. MA thesis. University of South Wales
- Lockwood, A. 2014. ‘Running and academia’. Guardian. June 30.
- Hindley, D. 2014. ‘Run Run Run! An International Festival of Running.’ Running the Line. June 27
- Teh, David. 2013 (revised 2016). ‘Insular Visions: Notes on Video Art in Singapore’.
- Chen, L. 2009. Contra-indications: Corporeality, Iconicity and Representation in Singapore Lesbian
- Theatre. PhD thesis, National University of Singapore.
- Schneider, JG, 2007. ‘Singapore 2007 Medienkunst’. Springerin (Documenta magazine). Austria
- Biggs, S. 2008. New Media: The ‘First Word’ in Art?.
- Su, R, 2008. Walking in the City: Urban Space, Body, Performance Art. National University of Singapore.
- Chee, M.J, 2007. The Practice of Tactical Art by Women Artists in Singapore. University of Sydney.
- Uhde, J and Y Ng-Uhde, 2004. ‘Singapore Cinema: Spotlight on Short Film Production’. In: S. Siddique Harvey Screening Southeast Asia. Spectator 24:2 (Fall 2004): 18 – 26.
- Yow, S.K., 2008. ‘The Asian Traditional in the Works of Liu Kang and Tan Kai Syng’. ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Art 25 July – 3 August, Singapore.
- Aldridge, James. 2025. ‘What’s Neurodivergence Got to Do With It?’ Climate Museum UK (blog). 1 February 2025.
- Siddons, Louise. 2023. ‘Podcast and Film: Kai Syng Tan and Ordinary Things’. The Ordinary Things Podcast. 2 November 2023.;;
- Pierce, Shanley Chien. 2023. ‘Making the Invisible Visible: Embracing Neurodivergent Perspectives through Art’. The Guggenheim Museums and Foundation, 8 December 2023.
- NHK WORLD-JAPAN, dir. 2023. Film Makers Speak out about MyanmarーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS.
- NHK World-Japan. dir. 2023. ‘Japanese Film Festival Portrays Struggle in Myanmar’. Accessed 25 December 2023.
- 2023: ‘BBC World Service – The Conversation, Women Living with ADHD’. 2023. BBC.
- Clark, Jane. 2022. ‘Neurodiversity and Creativity: Catalysing Change through Artful Agitation: A Conversation with Artist and Researcher Dr Kai Syng Tan’. Beshara Magazine. 13 May.
- Drury, J. 2022. ‘In conversation with Kai Syng Tan’. Dialogue Village.
- Centre for Public History and Heritage. October 2021 ‘The Legendary 1945 Manchester Pan African Congress’.
- Laryea, Rosemary. 2020. ‘BBC Radio 4 – Africa United In Manchester’. BBC. 27 November.
- Gongle 2020. On art and sports (French podcast/radio).
- Mancunian Matters, 2020. New Manchester Craft and Design Centre exh explores the positivity behind ADHD
- When I Enjoy Something…”’. Inside Stories (blog). 19 June 2019.
- PICTURING HAPPINESS? With 6 Scientists and Artists. Centre for Contemporary Art. Singapore.
- Kai Syng Tan #MagicCarpet.” Disability Arts Online, September 20, 2018
- Why don’t we just… treat disabled artists equally? Big Issue North. 2018 4 June.
- Sarah Hughes interviewed by Dr Kai Syng Tan on Let’s Talk Mental Health. 2018. ESRC-commissioned film.
- Shine a Light on ADHD viewed >53K times by pan-European training network MiND.
- MD4: Mysticism and Insecurity: UCL Events.” UCL Events, News, Reviews.
- BBC Radio 3. 2017. “The Arts of Running.” Free Thinking. (Invited speaker),
- Chen, May. 2015. “ASEAN Para Games: An Emotional Climax.” AsiaOne, December 10.
- Chin, Alison. 2015. “APG Opening Ceremony Promises Compelling Visual Feast.” 8th ASEAN Para Games.
- Hermesauto. 2015. “Seven memorable moments from the first APG held in S’pore.” The Straits Times.
- Lee, Hsieng Loong. 2015. “#APG2015 Closed with a Spectacular Ceremony Ytdy. TY to All Who Made It a Success! – LHL. @leehsienloong. Dec 9 on the APG ceremonies.
- Lim, Say Heng. 2015a. “Opening Ceremony of Asean Para Games Set to Wow.” The New Paper, Dec 1.
- ———. 2015b. “Singapore’s Asean Para Games Hailed as Best Ever.” The New Paper. December 10.
- Ngau, Kai Yan, and Nur Afifah Ariffin. 2015. “Sneak Peek.” Channel NewsAsia, November 30.
- Sport Singapore. 2015. Opening Ceremony.
- WeltReisender. 2013. ‘Move on Asia. Videokunst in Asien 2002 bis 2012’.
- Yle Uutiset. 2015. Kuopiolaislapset Pitivät Aikuisille Mestarikurssin Juoksemisesta: ‘Opettaja Sanoi, Että Vanhat Ei Enää Taivu.’ 2015. (Research activity covered in press and radio in Finland)/
- ANTI Festival of Contemporary Art. 2015a. International Seminar – Art of Endurance Seminar.
- —. 2015b. “Kai Syng Tan & Alan Latham (UK): ANTI-ADULT RUN! RUN! RUN!” ANTI.
- —. 2015c. ‘PechaKucha Night Kuopio Vol. 9: My Life in Running’.
- Wang, Y.M, 2012: ‘Artistic Sibilings Products of a Liberal Household’. Lianhe Zaobao Fukan (Chinese language national newspaper in Singapore).
- Stadtfilter Radio Winterthur, 2010. Radio Interview.
- M, Martin, 2011 October 10. ‘All Round Performance’. Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
- D, Koh & A, Teo, 2011. ‘Strokes of Genius’. Singapore Tatler. Edipresse Singapore Pte Ltd, p.138.
- CNN GO, 2010 February: ‘Virtual visual art – Where on Google Earth is Kaidie Nondon?’. Arts Page.
- M, Martin, 2010 April 30. ‘Next Stop, Art.’ Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
- M, Martin, 2010 March 23. ‘iPlay’, Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
- Beppu TV, 2009. ‘Live’ on morning television talk-show.
- Tan, L.J, 2008 October. ‘8Q-Rate: School’. iSh magazine. Interview. 49-57.
- Chua, A. 2008 August 14. ‘Quirky 8Q’. On 8Q’s inaugural show. The Straits Times: Life! C1-3.
- 2008. Named by Curator Dr Kwok Kian Chow as a favourite artist. Men’s Style magazine.
- Tan, Kai Syng, and Kah Wai Lim. 2023. ‘YIDFF: 2023: Jury Comments’. In Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2023.
- Wakai, Makiko. 2023. ‘YIDFF: 2023: New Asian Currents’. In Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2023. Descriptions of films in the New Asian Currents Official Selection and Jurors’ films in the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2023 Catalogue, including Kai Syng Tan’s How to Thrive in 2050 (2021, 14 minutes) and Chlorine Addiction (2001, 44 minutes).
- King’s Artists. 2017. New thinking, New Making. Exhibition pamphlet.
- Singapore Open Media Art Festival. 2017. ‘Art of Things: Actors’. Total Museum of Contemporary Art. Seoul, Korea. pp23, 28, 29, 42, 43, 50.
- Monologue/Dialogues Catalogue. 2017. Ed: Andrew Stahl, Hannah Thorne. 30-31.
- United Overseas Bank. 2016. ‘UOB Painting of the Year Alumni: Dr Tan Kai Syng.’ UOB Painting of the Year.
- National Arts Council. 2016. Singapore’s Visual Artists. 443-444.
- Sapin, V. and Judge, C.M., 2015. FemLink-Art: Video-Collages of the International Collective – Catalogue.
- Fermynwoods Contemporary Art. 2015. ‘Art and Running’. Free Exchange Podcast.
- H.R. Cobby, 2014 February 6. ‘How to Stop Worrying and Love (Running)’. UCL Art Museum Blog.
- Stephens, J. 2013. Yonder Catalogue. Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts. Australia.
- Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe ZKM. 2013. ‘Move on Asia ZKM’.
- Brown, 2012. The Games: Inspiring Images. Connaught Brown. London.
- Guangdong Museum. 2008. 3rd Guangzhou Triennale 2008 Official Catalogue. China.
- Tan, E, 2007. G. Nadarajan, R. Storer & E. Tan eds. Contemp. Art In Singapore Inst of Contemp. Arts. 142-5.
- Tan, E, 2006. ‘Apology’. Move On Asia catalogue. Seoul. 216-9.
- Pijnappel, J, 2006. ‘Kai Syng Tan: ISLANDHOPPING’. Biennale of Sydney. Sydney. 268-269.
- C.J. W-L Wee, 2006. “After Theory–and into ‘Zones of Contact’?” In: N. Bullockc and R. Keehan eds.
- Biennale of Sydney, 2006: A Critical Reader. Artspace Visual Arts Centre. 43-44.
- Yap, J, 2006. ‘Tan Kai Syng’. In: ISLANDED: Contemporary Art from Singapore, New Zealand, Taiwan. 42-5.
- Daejeon Museum of Art 2005. ‘Tan Kai Syng’. Future of Art, Science & Technology. Korea. 138-139.
- S. Merali, ed. 2005. Politics of Fun, Spaces & Shadows, House of World Cultures, Germany. 131, 147, 165.
- Messmer, S. 2005. ‘The Manic Collector’. Culturebase, Germany.
- Pijnappel, J, 2005. ‘World Specialists Identify Asian Media Artists To Watch’. Art It: Japan’s First Bilingual Art Quarterly. 2005 (6). Japan. 79-84. Named ‘media artist to look out for’.
- Kawai, M, 2004. In: Bijutsu Techo (‘Art Handbook’), June 2004, Japan.
- Wee, C.J. W-L. 2004. Twilight Tomorrow. Singapore Art Museum. 12-7.
- Yap, J, 2003. ‘Kino Kinetics’. In: Multigraf srl-Spinea Ve ed. Open 2003: Arte & Cinema Arte Comms. Venice. 72-73.
- Go, K. 2001. Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Festival Report. Japan. 31.
- Fan, J. 2003. The President’s Young Talents. Singapore Art Museum. 55-61.
- Lee, F. 2002. In: Selves. Ministry of Communication Arts.