(How) Can art and running be magically/messily entangled to catalyse a more equitable and creative future? It’s a leading question. Yes is my answer, despite/even during such dark days. My good friend James Steventon has always/even gone further to assert that ‘running is the answer’, to any question, in almost the same breath as he’d argued, as unashamedly, that art is fundamental to survival – ‘why else would human beings make drawings when we lived in caves?’, he asks. And good art must ‘sweat’, says Abdelkader Benali at the Running Artfully Network launch. More so today, as the game has changed, and we need to up our game with running, because it is running that ‘makes the heart skip a beat’, as RUN! RUN! RUN! Biennale 2018 artist Zejun Yao asserts. The Running Artfully Network launch on Friday 26/2 10-17:00 GMT featured plenty of sweaty, gutsy, bloody good art-inspired running and running inspired art that matters, that makes the heart skip a beat, or two, that makes you gulp, gasp, on the cusp of tears. The films, poetry, performances and proclamations were by: Fio Adamson, Véronique Chance, Beth Clayton, Kathryn Cooper, Lynn Denisson, Andrew Filmer, Gongle, Kathryn Lawson Hughes, Taey Iohe, Manjeet Mann, Victoria Ohuruogu, Natalie Pace, David Sidley, Dan Simpson, James Steventon, Matti Tainio, Kai Syng Tan, Nik Wakefield, Sharon Wilson and Chris Wright. Everyone gave generously, graciously, sweatily. The artists were fearless and filled the heart, to steal Chris Wright’s words, ‘forty-five buckets full’ each. Thank you every body, for your labour, and labour of love, which was transformative, nourishing, energising and life-giving, especially in these grey, stressful 100-hour work weeks. This can’t be a one-off. Let’s do more. Let’s make such beautiful days every day.
- Watch playlist of RAN recordings here, including trailer, opening words by James Steventon, Director of multi-award-winning Fermynwoods Contemporary Art (Best Art Gallery 2020 Midlands Enterprise Awards et al)
- We would have loved to award every body, but could not. Learn more about how the winners of inaugural RAN awards, Taey Iohe (50:53, still from her profoundly moving A Great Circle With No Rim above) and Run the World/Manjeet Mann (04:27:31) are changing the world, one step at a time in this video. We also gave an additional special award to Nik Wakefield, who created a performed from the St George Hospital in London that brought to life the paradox of running as a source of human fragility and strength.
- Also look out for Andrew Filmer 37:30 in the same video. Andrew has recorded, analysed and tirelessly amplified the work of artists who use running for the past ten years. He is undoubtedly the most hardworking running artfully scholar in the business. Read his paper from which the talk has been crafted.
- Read about RAN public all-out in 12/2020 and contexts here
- See tweets here: #runningartfully
- See slideshow of my opening speech here and video recording of the speech here
- See frantic exchange (pictured below) with keynote speaker Dutch-Morrocan author Abdelkader Benali (winner of many literary awards including Holland’s Booker Prize and 2’42” marathoner). Finally I’ve found someone whose speech/thought races even faster than mine – and one whom I could throw anything at in any combination (for example food+migration+nourishment+ longing) and in any direction, and who will come back and give you more more more (such as how running is that which oscillates between life/sweat and death/hibernation). Fantastic to catch up with Abdelkader after we first met 10 years ago at Slade and when I interviewed him for my PhD.
- See RAN full programme and quick-guide designed by Beth Clayton, and a 1-page summary.
- Scroll down for feedback by participants and reflection by the talented 23-year old Beth Clayton who was also a founding /curatorial member. Watch her mind-blowing performance-lecture, and in 01:49:14 with her The Art of Not Running in this video. Scroll right down for transcript of the lively Zoom chat.
- Critical reflection by Gudrun Filipska. What a good name.
- Also coming up: trailer edited by Martin Steed.

‘Very very nice, i enjoyed it immensEly’
— ‘I’d like to extend my gratitude and thanks for such a thought-provoking, dynamic and interdisciplinary event last Friday. It was very invigorating to be in the ‘virtual/ actual’ company of so many fellow runners/ academics/ creative-practitioners! I look forward to catching up with the online recording of the event and any future correspondences, events, projects or creative/ academic collaborations that might unfold’
— ‘I just had to e mail to tell you how amazing today was, I am so excited by what you are doing and so glad to have connected with you all!! I have pages full of notes’
— ‘I am so heartened by today and such a lovely inclusive space you have developed- it felt very different from the world of ‘walking art’’
— ‘OMG, this is SO ENCOURAGING! Thank you so much for all your wonderful work and inspiration. I, someday, look forward to meeting you very much’; ‘Thank you all so much for todays event. It was so inspiring and brilliant to hear about all the wonderful work that is being curated’
— ‘Great Conference!’
— ‘Abdelkadar was awesome!!’
— ‘Thanks everyone for a really interesting day. Your hard work is much appreciated’; ‘Huge thanks for bringing together such a great group of people for the launch of RAN. I’m still processing all the insightful conversations but truly appreciate the work that must have gone in to producing the day’.
“Once again thank you for this award, any amount is so helpful and I am so grateful. The money will go towards my next project in Greenwich where I will be working with an organisation called Creating Ground, who work with women who have refugee status.” – Manjeet Man
I’ve been associated with the Running Artfully Network (RAN) for a couple of years now, since attending the RUN! RUN! RUN! Biennale #r3fest in Paris in 2018, which was RAN’s predecessor. Back then, at the beginning of my Fine Art Degree degree, I had no idea I would get to be involved in the launch of this new network. But Kai and the team welcomed me on board. Kai even came to visit my end of year show in London where I presented one of my first running-related artworks.
Throughout the past two years we have been meeting on zoom, working long and hard to bring RAN together. Although I was only a first year student with imposter syndrome when I first came to the group, I have been included all the way, Kai giving me the jobs of creating our new logo, helping to organise and take notes in the meetings, design the flyer and programme for the launch event, and co-chair a discussion on the day of the launch. Getting to co-chair the discussion on mental health, place and climate health was a great opportunity, as these issues become more and more prevalent, and my own practice increasingly revolves around them. I spoke with Fio Adamson, Andrew Filmer, Taey Iohe and Kathryn Cooper about the connectivity of their artworks, which all seemed to link with Filmer’s idea of running as a gesture in one form or another; whether it be the gesture of running away from something, running as an act of defiance, running as a way of excavating something, or the call-and-response action that takes place in relay.
I’m really grateful to have had the chance to contribute to the network launch, being given responsibilities for the event I’d never had before. I now feel much more confident as a result and proud to be a member of the curatorial committee.
The new RAN was founded by Kai with James Steventon (Director, Fermynwoods Contemporary Art), Veronique Chance (Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University), Lisa Stansbie (Dean of Leeds School of Art; Fields of Vision and Axisweb lead), Matti Tainio (University of Turku, Pori University Consortium, Finland), Elisa Herera Altamirano (Capicúa Mov Lab lead, Mexico/Spain) and Beth Clayton (UK) (see photo below). The launch was supported by Anglia Ruskin University, Arts Council England, Fermynwoods Contemporary Art, Manchester School of Art and RUN! RUN! RUN!. Technical wizardry was by Martin Steed (hiding in photo below). RAN is a new artist-led iteration of RUN! RUN! RUN! founded by Kai Syng Tan. Since 2014, this has helped to widen ‘Running Studies’ as a creative and more inclusive discourse, away from elite bodyminds and from sport, and which has been covered in Guardian (2014), BBC (2017) and presented the work of 40 runners, artists and academics across 5 venues including a stadium in Cardiff and Paris School of Culture, and formed an 80-member global Running Cultures Research Group.

10:01:01 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Morning! 10:01:16 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! 10:01:35 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Good morning all! 10:01:38 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Kai in Manchester - glorious day here. Where is everyone? 10:02:15 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Hi everyone, I am near Nottingham, lovely day here too 10:02:27 From Sue Foster to Everyone : Morning all! What a cheerful morning! Daffodils are popping up this morning 10:02:42 From Nik Wakefield to Everyone : hello all, looking forward to hearing your work, I am connecting from St. George’s hospital in London, but will connect this afternoon from Portsmouth 10:02:42 From Svetlana Atlavina to Everyone : Good morning! Sun is shining over North London. 10:02:43 From Filmer Adults to Everyone : Hello everyone! Greetings from Aberystwyth 10:02:45 From Sally Stenton to Everyone : Greetings from Cambridgeshire - lovely sunshine 10:03:40 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Greetings from Finland. We the first spring day and the snow is disappearing fast. 10:03:53 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Good morning, in sunny Newcastle Upon Tyne. 10:04:01 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Hello from London, south of the river. 10:04:12 From Olivia Glasser to Everyone : Morning! In Manchester with blue skies! 10:04:23 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Hello, calling in from sunny east London this morning 10:04:25 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : morning all, practically summer morning in London, north of the river. ;-) 10:04:34 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Glorious weather see too- hopefully we’ll get outside at lunchtime 10:04:47 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : @Nik Wakefield that’s a really long run you’re getting in today 10:04:48 From Daniel Watson to Everyone : Good morning from Coventry. Sunny day here too but still a little bit of frost left on the ground 10:04:53 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Morning all from Suffolk. Perfect running weather here! 10:04:58 From David Sidley to Everyone : Hello everyone - from sunny (for once) Stoke. 10:05:19 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Good morning from the Chiltern Hills- beautiful day for a run! 10:14:39 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : ‘Running makes the heart skips a beat’ - by ZEJUN YAO, RUN! RUN! RUN! Biennale 201810:21:57 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : You have authority here, Martin Steed 10:24:06 From Svetlana Atlavina to Everyone : Sorry to point out, but I have double sound coming during the presentation, somebody have two devices on Is there a solution to that? 10:24:59 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Please can everyone make sure they are muted please to avoid echoes and double sound effects. Thanks! 10:25:17 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : It seems like sound is coming from James mic, not from the sound sharing directly.10:27:20 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Hence if James mute your mic, we can’t hear anything. (because the sound is coming from the mic)10:29:12 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Need to click the ‘share sound’ box when sharing screens 10:32:02 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : I am reading the same book from Kimmerer too, good to hear from this intro @Kathyrn. It kept me going, really inspiring. 10:33:09 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Could you write down the title please Taey? And thank you Taey and others re tips on the audio! 10:33:40 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : 10:35:45 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Brilliant - on my reading list now! 10:36:28 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone :10:37:03 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Makka pakka connection is so funny. 10:40:18 From Beth C to Everyone : Yes, I love that makka pakka reference 10:46:26 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Andrew’s article From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : WOW 10:52:57 From xinan yang to Everyone : Lovely Fio :) 10:53:15 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Beautiful poetic honesty- thanks Fio! 10:53:44 From Andrew Filmer to Everyone : Thanks Fio! 10:54:05 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : Thanks for your comments. 10:54:06 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Beautiful presentation, Fio! Love you poetic style. 10:54:30 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Very moving presentation Fio 11:00:29 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : That was great! 11:00:52 From Vicky to Everyone : AMAZING! 11:00:52 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : ANOTHER WOW … 11:01:01 From Richard Hyde to Everyone : Very mindful. lovely 11:01:06 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : Brilliant!!! Thank you 11:01:17 From xinan yang to Everyone : Powerful Text Taey!! Love it !! 11:01:21 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : amaAzing!!!!! 11:01:58 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : That was very moving They. Thank you. 11:02:11 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Great presentation Taey- very thought provoking11:04:30 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Love the layering of intentions, running is no one thing, no one way of thinking 11:08:14 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : I do the same Fio! 11:10:20 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : It's a bit like an ocean, where you have turbulent waves on the surface but when you go deeper in the ocean its stillness. It's a bit like running, you are constantly having thoughts, though you get to a point in your run, you just have 'stillness' you no longer thinking about what you have done in the day, or what you need to do. You just focus on the mile you are in. Hope this makes sense. 11:10:46 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Beautifully put Rebecca! 11:11:06 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Embodied knowledge 11:11:25 From David Sidley to Everyone : Perfect Rebecca - love that. 11:12:15 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Taking up space, making space, taking place 11:19:55 From Sue Foster to Everyone : I really identified with your film 11:20:26 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Embodied + embedded knowledge11:21:24 From James Steventon to Everyone : 11:22:16 From Sue Foster to Everyone : The film of runners: It was about watching others, working out if you can fit in them, am I part of them, can I fit in? 11:25:16 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : There is a sense of vulnerability involved in running in public 11:25:57 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : It feels like part of the competitiveness of capitalism - we can’t have a hobby / be “bad” at something as it seems unproductive / pointless. We forget that things can just be joyful 11:26:30 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : I agree Dan- how can not be ‘instrumentalised’ as 11:26:34 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Or copied as 11:26:38 From Vicky to Everyone : Hello! I am wondering if there is any link that I can re-watched the film Taey Iohe shared to us? 11:26:51 From Richard Hyde to Everyone : I guess I seek a flow state when I run. sometimes I lose all sense of time, location and self which seems to give me what I’m looking for 11:26:54 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : ** sorry typos made to be useful or productive 11:27:06 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Justifying how we spend our time to others when we are just spending time how we like. Compared to passive activities ie. Netflix, ‘active’ hobbies seems to need qualifying as “oh, I’m not good it” 11:27:39 From Sue Foster to Everyone : Fitbits, garmins etc turn it into being instrumentalised - takes the joy away and makes you feel failure if you don't hit your personal best - to experience joy you need to dump the fimer 11:27:45 From Sue Foster to Everyone : timer 11:27:55 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Or maybe that’s the resistance to capitalist use of time: a defiant “I AM BAD AT THIS AND I STILL LOVE IT COME AT ME CAPITLISM!” 11:28:25 From James Steventon to Everyone : Vicky and all, you can rewatch via YouTube by running the playhead back: 11:28:32 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Sure thing, I like that Dan. 11:28:36 From Vicky to Everyone : Thank you! 11:28:47 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : :) 11:28:49 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : Yes and there is a running ‘fraternity’ that has symbolic boundaries to it, with the ‘uniform’ and gear needed - there are gadgets and magazine subscriptions…it is quite intimidating to break into that - yes liberating to be a bad runner without the ‘proper’ outfits! 11:29:24 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Btw I am totally guilty of making running competitive to myself and others. I don’t like that aspect of me :( 11:29:41 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Agree- lots to discuss about the way female runners are deemed ‘fair game’ for comment- the body politic etc 11:30:38 From Janice Howard to Everyone : See Jacquelyn Allen Collins’s paper Feminist Phenomenology and the woman in the running body (2012) for more on lived-sporting body experience 11:30:55 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Excellent recommendation, Janice. Thanks. 11:31:08 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Thanks Janice 11:31:13 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Yes, I. Have come across Jacqueline’s paper before. Thanks for sharing and reminding me 11:31:15 From Olivia Glasser to Everyone : I find it interesting that since getting in to running (since the pandemic began) people always ask how far I run each time. I have no idea! I let instincts lead my run and areas I want to explore rather than run to set times or distances. It hadn’t occurred to me as a new runner that I should be instrumentalising it in that way! 11:32:05 From James Steventon to Everyone : Maffetone and Scarce as well as the MovNat philosophy does not advocate for competitiveness, but I find competition in the spirit of collaboration can improve performance / experience! 11:32:25 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : Racing each other as children seems to be quite natural but then we get swept into the capitalist concepts of competition. Wouldn’t it be nice to remain relaxed and enjoy ourselves and each other as ‘better ‘or ‘worse’. 11:33:42 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Thats what Murakami would recommend! ( What I talk about when I talk about running)11:40:00 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : I like the determination to be a fool - a conscious, deliberate folly… 11:41:10 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Yes, just the thought of t brings a smile to my face- I would love to try it, but sadly, not cold enough here. 11:41:24 From Janice Howard to Everyone : -8 degrees! My starting temperature is at least 11+! 11:42:25 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : A brilliant ‘how to’ guide!!! (I’m tropical - my functioning temperature is 26) (celsius, +) 11:42:29 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : This is so practically helpful. 11:43:20 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Why - but why not (like Kathryn’s child) 11:44:07 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : BRAVO!! Nice. 11:44:46 From Svetlana Atlavina to Everyone : I have started running when felt that my body needs active recovery. I am a swimmer and love meditative quality of swimming especially in the sea. Now, with the lockdown and no access to swimming, I found that I need to trick my mind with some goals, interactions with nature and the environment. I also compare how much I can swim and run during the same period of time. I started feeling a joy despite if intense visual similes which come from surrounding when running. Thank you for organising such a uniting event. 11:44:47 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : This reminds me of us outdoor cold water swimmers. I go for one swimming costume and forget the rest. Maybe in all that snow should be the best challenge too. 11:45:54 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Thank you for sharing your experience Svetlana, hope you are fully recovered now. 11:46:34 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : Very interesting Matti. I can’t wait to try. Bring on the snow! 11:46:51 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Running + recovery + rest + re-creation 11:47:32 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : + reset 11:47:53 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Thank you all! I'm really slow in chat. I try open up me experiences better during the discussion11:51:28 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : I love your work David. 11:51:40 From Helena Lee to Everyone : Wow - David I'm in awe and admiration of your dedication! 11:52:41 From David Sidley to Everyone : Thank you Taey, likewise! And thank you Helena :) 11:54:15 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Thanks David- really interesting and important thoughts - around the emotional aspect of running and its possibilities as an act of healing and cleansing 11:57:37 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Yes thanks David- really interesting discourse between digital and analogue methods of ‘data-tracking’, how you interpret the data through embodied meditative/healing processes, as Veronique points out11:58:33 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : love that! 11:58:47 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Fantastic! 11:58:49 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : wow 11:58:52 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : So rich work! 11:58:58 From James Steventon to Everyone : Really enjoyed that Beth 11:58:59 From David Sidley to Everyone : Beth that was ace 11:59:09 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Such a lovely piece of work, Beth. 11:59:19 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Fantastic beth 11:59:30 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : I’m all for undoing/synthesising Cartesian mind/body dualism- thanks Beth! :) 11:59:31 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : Wow! Fantastic! Thank you Beth. Yes rich is the word indeed. So much in there.12:00:27 From Beth C to Everyone : Thanks for the lovely comments!12:03:31 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : No it is not your job Nik 12:07:19 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Thanks Nik, wonderful :) 12:07:20 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : WOWWWW….. 12:07:27 From Beth C to Everyone : that was so good! 12:07:35 From James Steventon to Everyone : Thanks Nik. That was very powerful 12:07:38 From David Sidley to Everyone : wow indeed Nik 12:07:44 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Thanks Nik- some really interesting and powerful thoughts 12:07:47 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : Yes powerful indeed. 12:07:58 From Andrew Filmer to Everyone : Thanks Nik - fantastic. 12:07:59 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : What a powerful beautiful cluster…… 12:08:52 From Chris Wright to Everyone : There is an interewting 12:09:09 From Chris Wright to Everyone : There is am interesting thing about choice here 12:11:47 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : immobility is such a driver of production in a curious way…and resistance. Yes un-mastering as a mode of production -really interesting! 12:12:53 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : That is super interesting…a deliberate, productive act of resisting action 12:14:39 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : I always viewed my body as secondary to the mind, and didn’t know my body. I forgot it tells me how I feel, too. Running let me re-know my body as a source of emotion and understanding 12:15:39 From Yasmin Canvin to Everyone : The value of a tacit understanding about what we are unable to do or is problematic for us to do can be helpful in many avenues of our life 12:15:43 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : There’s a brilliant essay by the art critic Jan Verwoert- ‘Exhaustion & Exuberance: How to Defy the Pressure to Perform’ 12:15:51 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Thank you Nik. Have Carel ( Phenomenonlogy of Illness 2018and Illness the cry of the flesh 2019) talks about bodily doubt and describes illness as a philosophical tool that can serve as a motivator for reflection. She suggests, ‘progressive illness is a comprehensive realignment of meaning’ and describes this process as one that distances a previous form of existence. Taking the ill person’s perspective, she claims alienation from one’s own body is a consequence of the existential role of illness. She describes such doubt as a disturbance throwing one into uncertainty and anxiety and since it ‘disrupts the normal sense of being in the world…[it] replaces immersion with suspension… and the familiar world is replaced with an uncanny one’. She goes on to suggest bodily doubt is a type of anxiety experienced as ‘embodied doubt’ whereby ‘meaning is the doubt itself’. 12:16:08 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : That is definitely something I have as a privilege of having a non-disabled body 12:16:31 From James Steventon to Everyone : Robin Harvie, Why We Run: A Story Of Obsession. (London: John Murray, 2011) 12:16:42 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Thanks! 12:18:20 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Julietta Singh 12:18:31 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Unthinking Mastery 12:18:51 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : Sounds good!I have too many noisy children here to speak!! 12:19:02 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : Yes - me too!! 12:20:48 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : From what we talked about the unknown and the known. Running is a bit like having a one foot in the known and then the other foot about unknown. Sometimes the only thing that makes sense in this uncertainty time is to go out for a run. Then you have the foot in the unknown as you don't know where this run will take you. 12:20:57 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Shusterman, Richard. Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.12:23:43 From Olivia Glasser to Everyone : Thank you Nik and Janice for these reflections on un-knowing the body! I am experiencing illness which is also limiting my usual / previous ways of using my body in a way that I don’t understand. So great to have all this food for thought as I grapple with this new way of inhabiting it :)
12:31:27 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : ha!
12:32:29 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : “we need art to run better”
12:33:47 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : So pleased to meet this group, rare breed - reading runners. ;-)
12:33:58 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : or running readers.
12:35:14 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Indeed Taey! :D
12:42:47 From Beth C to Everyone : I like "mind-body hierarchy" - good term to activate!
12:43:29 From Janice Howard to Everyone : I lost all my toenails.
12:44:45 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Completely agree- thinking is the enemy of running. What a great soundbite!
12:45:50 From Svetlana Atlavina to Everyone : I do connect with the idea, that running needs no thinking. Meditative state as in swimming, but it is difficult to avoid the visual stimulus, stones on the path, traffic lights, and so on.
12:48:50 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : Will there be room for Q&A?
12:49:13 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : It’s so good to hear that ‘relaxation requires effort’ - so true!
12:51:11 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Yes, there will be time for Q & A - we are not due to break for lunch until 13.20. There will also be a longer Discussion at the end of the day.
12:51:22 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : There is Q&A in the end of session
12:51:25 From Beth C to Everyone : that's so interesting because I kind of get the opposite thing - when I'm running, I get loads of ideas - too many to contain - and when I finish the run I try to get them down but they seem to just disappear before my eyes
12:51:44 From James Steventon to Everyone : In Running With The Pack, Running Philosopher Mark Rowlands classifies stages in the runner’s inner life according to the philosophies of Spinoza (mind and body in action); Descartes (dualism); Hume (selflessness); and finally Sartre (nothingness).
12:52:20 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Readers may not like running, but writers definitely can appreciate the nature of running.
12:53:34 From Janice Howard to Everyone : I get that too Beth- I use running to try and think through decisions/ dilemmas etc something about ‘ the honesty’ Abdelkader speaks helps to ‘see’ things more clearly- maybe its something to do with oxygen?!
12:55:20 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Also after run, it simplifies some questions for me.
12:57:12 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : I get that too, Beth. I tend to record my thoughts on my phone while running. Maybe its because your mind has time to unspool (is that a word) and just see things as they are. As you brain needs time to idle time.
12:57:30 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Mortimer (Why running matters’ said ‘you think differently when running. You think under pressure. The urgency of your movements acts like a knife, slicing your thought processes up into small segments. It is true that you can’t sustain any great progression of ideas- at least, not like you can when walking. You think in short sentences, not paragraphs. But that too can be great for the imagination’
12:58:30 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : I often run to empty my mind from the strains of. Very stressful job. I need to do this to purge my mind and to refresh and start thinking anew
12:58:47 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone :Thanks Janice!
12:59:28 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Yes, very interesting Janice
13:00:30 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Thats what I found interesting in your film Taey- the short slices/segments of text that seem to mirror the way we imagine when running.
13:02:30 From David Sidley to Everyone : absolutely to the mind-emptying. how many times do we get back from a run and can't remember what we were thinking about (like Beth's disappearing ideas post-run) or where we've actually run. think it's a direct contrast to walking (mentioned in the Mortimer quote) - walking seems like information gathering from the world/brain, running seems like a dispelling of it.
13:04:55 From Janice Howard to Everyone : I suppose it goes back to mastery and there unknown? Walking masters, running takes you into a ‘less rational’ thought process.
13:04:56 From Beth C to Everyone : in some weird way it's as if the pandemic/lockdown has actually brought us to connect more with the public space than before in this sense
13:05:25 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : @Janice, thank you for picking up on that - it was very much my intention.
13:05:51 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Only way to remember your ideas emerged during a run is to record them with phone - and still they seem meaningless afterwards. It's hard to reach the same state of mind
13:07:45 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : “running is theatre “
13:08:22 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : I have a question for Abdelkader
13:10:09 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : OK Babak!
13:11:46 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : :)
13:14:25 From James Steventon to Everyone : “If I can do it with my body, you can do it with your body” Marina Abramovic
13:17:59 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Makes me think of philosopher Martha Nussbaum and how she memorises entire operas and plays them while running…
13:23:29 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : ‘guerrilla of ideas’
13:27:23 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Perhaps people are thinking of food- it’s getting towards that time…
13:28:42 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Yes we will have a break 13:30-14:00 GMT
13:30:53 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : loved the talk! absolutely, the uniform feels protective as a female runner.
13:31:07 From abdelkader benali to Kai Syng Tan (she/her)(Direct Message) : thanks all
13:31:10 From abdelkader benali to Kai Syng Tan (she/her)(Direct Message) : very very nice
13:31:12 From abdelkader benali to Kai Syng Tan (she/her)(Direct Message) : thanks Kai Syng
13:31:24 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Thank you!
13:31:26 From Helena Lee to Everyone : Thank you! I'm sorry I missed the beginning of the talk but you gave me a lot of food for thought!
13:31:29 From David Sidley to Everyone : Thank you Abdelkader
13:31:31 From Andrew Filmer to Everyone : Thank you!
13:31:32 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Thank You
13:31:41 From Olivia Glasser to Everyone : Thank you!!13:31:46 From James Steventon to Everyone : Time for a quick run…
13:31:48 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Thank you Abdelkader and all the questions and thoughts
13:31:53 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Thanks
13:31:55 From Babak Fakhamzadeh to Everyone : thanks!
13:56:27 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Hello and Welcome Manjeet. We are just a quick lunch break. Looking forward to your presentation in th next session, which I’ll be sharing. We will start with the film from the French Collective Gongle, to ease people back in and then follow in the order on the programme.14:11:00 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Press click again? It might prompt move?
14:13:03 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Sounds like it is working? ..
14:13:58 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Sounds works well.14:21:19 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Natalie’ name PACE is tailor made for today (like Gudrun’s)
14:21:23 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Brilliant performative work, thanks Veronique!
14:22:12 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Very astute insight Kai :D
14:23:06 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Kai
14:24:12 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Pointing out critical details like this are the reason why I do what I do (eye roll emoji)
14:26:36 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Re time and non-productivity relates to Nik’s work and also Kafer’s crip time ‘a shift in mindset: 'rather than bend the bodies and minds to meet the clock, crip time bends the clock to meet disabled bodies and minds'. (2013)14:28:51 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : Really interesting ! 14:29:26 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Thanks Natalie - that’s great provocation, there should be open source community to evoke running as activism and resistance. I’ll be up for that. 14:30:13 From Beth C to Everyone : thank you Natalie! I love this project - would be really interested to see where a collaboration could go 14:30:18 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : @Kai, I also love Kafer’s queer crip time. 14:32:22 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Yes Taey - super radical, queer, switch thing around completely (neuroqueer is another I love - develops Kafer’s ideas, extends too disidentification, neurodiversity) 14:34:05 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : With/by/for (not to) 14:38:40 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Thanks Manjeet - incredibly important what you do, inspiring community work! 14:38:52 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : BRAVA MANJEET 14:39:32 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Many thanks, Manjeet. Very inspiring, cannot wait to see where this goes. 14:39:42 From Manjeet mann to Everyone : Thank you! 14:42:37 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Same Natalie!
14:42:58 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Running outside felt alien and unknown
14:43:23 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : I shout back at them or stop and stare
14:43:52 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : So sad to hear, Natalie - my gf reports the same :(
14:44:27 From Victoria Hart to Everyone : Yes, exactly this! This is why I miss the safety running in groups
14:44:40 From Janice Howard to Everyone : Running in a rural environment when no one is around is equally worrying
14:46:05 From Chris Wright to Everyone : But equally worrying in isolated rural environment when you spot one or two people person
14:46:09 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : yes its exhausting not knowing what to do with the anger around the general everyday misoginism, something about running that makes you fair game, comments that I would never get while walking…
14:46:25 From Beth C to Everyone : another way of running being an act of defiance - placing our bodies in a public space despite the experience of vulnerability
14:46:26 From James Steventon to Everyone : Read this earlier, sadly:
14:46:44 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson has written a lot about running as a woman
14:47:04 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Yes Beth, C very much agree
14:47:32 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Stephanie Merchant (Uni Bath lecturer) runs with a big dog :)
14:47:57 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Love the idea of running with a big dog!
14:49:37 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Really different from Finland. I have Interviewed female runners here and non of them were worried about running alone
14:49:51 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : I ‘d love to learn boxing from you Manjeet (maybe boxing WHILE running)
14:52:32 From Helena Lee to Everyone : Interesting Matti, I'm Swedish but live in Manchester, and even though some of my local female friends express these concerns I don't focus on it. - Running with a friend the other day, there was a man who shouted, 'Well done girls!', my friend was a bit offended, I just interpreted it as words of encouragement.
14:53:14 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Free To Run, for women and girls in conflict zones (founder UN human rights lawyer Stephanie Case talks about the negotiations to help get the women and girls to run as part of the process - eg being allowed to training with male coaches etc )
14:54:40 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Thank you everyone, amazing
15:04:31 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Thanks Dan- love the shirt!
15:06:37 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : City as playscape through running
15:08:52 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : ‘I’m obsessed with shot put circles’ - not oft muttered, but should!15:26:33 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Thanks Kathryn! The healthiest shirt I own :)
15:27:19 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone :
15:28:43 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Haha you’re welcome Dan- I’d quite like a shirt with food (pictures…not actual) on it! :D
15:29:49 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Love these lists!
15:30:56 From Beth C to Everyone : this is great - sounds exactly like my thoughts when I'm running sometimes
15:30:59 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Good clarification Kathryn
15:31:50 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Yes, me too- great rhythm and stream of thoughts
15:33:34 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Nice connection to the stone earlier
15:33:57 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : That’s a lovely connection to the relay presentation this morning - the stone passed from person to person
15:34:05 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : Ooo snap
15:35:07 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : Andrew Filmer’s talk
15:35:34 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Yes, very coincidental
15:36:15 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : I loved your presentation Chris
15:37:51 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Thanks kathryn
15:37:54 From David Sidley to Everyone : Kathryn; really great, will be listening via Soundcloud.
Dan/Chris; really enjoyed the words and lists - looking forward to using the running poem instructions!
Victoria; that distinction between formal and informal play is fascinating, love it. (also the shotput circle appreciation)
15:38:16 From Fio Adamson to Everyone : Yes it was full of movement and contrast and beauty and ugliness and nature and rubbish. I loved the ending in the mud object. It was very real.
15:40:43 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Thanks David! There are a couple of other sound-data embodied negotiations on my Soundcloud page too :)
15:41:10 From Kathryn Cooper (she/her) to Everyone : Thanks you so much everyone for such wonderful presentations - I’m going to watch back again on YouTube to catch everything I have missed. Just being dragged off to run to the shops for sweets. Thank you so much for including my video. All best, Kathryn
15:45:19 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : Would love to connect with you more on this Sharon, my research is all about the negotiation between the proximal and the distant within the cultural mobilities sphere and alternative forms of travel through mediated experience - love your experiment with being in two places at once , especially the temporal element
15:49:30 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Love your experiment with virtual space and the reality space. How did you come up with the idea of running on the spot? Love your experiment about being in two places in once, especially during these times you have a virtual world and the 'reality' world. Also, if you would like someone to move/run with you, I wouldn't mind as I live in Newcastle Upon Tyne, when we are allowed to.
15:49:37 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Artists have always thrived when there are rules/restrictions - as we enjoy pushing, breaking them
15:50:24 From Helena Lee to Everyone : I couldn't see Dan's instruction; please can it be shared again?
15:50:37 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Here we go :)
15:50:45 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Trespassing/crossing the line, not toeing the party line… taking a line or a run (updating Paul Klee)
15:50:47 From Sharon Wilson to Everyone : Thank you so much Rebecca. Feel free to get in touch.
15:51:02 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : This also has reminded me of something I often think about - how we like to compartmentalise things we do.
15:51:11 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Would love to hear anyone’s piece that result (for serious or play): @dansimpsonpoet on all the socials :)
15:51:19 From Sharon Wilson to Everyone : Also thanks Gudrun. Really pleased my efforts are not in vain
15:51:35 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Perhaps we did need to shift the emphasis from ‘what we do’ to ‘who we are’
15:51:52 From Helena Lee to Everyone : Really sorry @Dan I can't see it - is it a file that I'm supposed to download?
15:52:08 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : That’s right Helena! It’s a pdf, downloadable in this chat above
15:52:31 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : You are very welcome, Sharon. I drop you an email.
15:52:37 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : *shall
15:53:26 From Jo Miller to Everyone : Many thanks everyone. This has been a really interesting day. I am sorry that I have to go now. It would be great to have access to the links that have been put in the chat after the event.
15:53:55 From Helena Lee to Everyone : Er… sorry it's not showing up for me Dan, I'll ask the organisers afterwards. :-)
15:54:44 From Olivia Glasser to Everyone : Sorry I have to leave everyone, thank you so much for a rich day of thought-provoking and inspiring talks! :)
15:56:09 From David Byrne to Everyone : great sessions James. Thanks.
16:02:58 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Body as a sophisticated technology + interface! on @Dan’s point about knowing through the belly - Chinese Daoist body-mind-place/cosmos poetics talk about belly knowledge (akin to gut instinct)
16:03:44 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : James, low mileage is something that made me barefoot runner. I'm too old to make new pb:s, too buzy to run longer distances and running barefoot (or using minimalist footwear) was the way to find new dimensions to my running
16:08:51 From martin steed to Everyone : I am here
16:09:04 From martin steed to Everyone : I will stay off camera
16:09:13 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : This has been awesome and refreshing, thanks everyone!
16:09:44 From Gudrun Filipska to Everyone : Im really excited to write something!! Glad you like my name so much Kai!!
16:17:11 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Everyone is welcome to join this Running Cultures Research group (80 person)
16:17:46 From Beth C to Everyone : With regards to the idea of collapse - I've been reading Deep Adaptation by Jem Bendell recently and I wonder if this daily practice of running is an integration of that idea of "deep adaptation"
16:18:02 From Sharon Wilson to Everyone : There is mine as well. Thanks for these.
16:18:57 From Sharon Wilson to Everyone :
16:19:24 From James Steventon to Everyone : Absolutely Beth. Deep Adaptation paper attached here
16:19:32 From Beth C to Everyone : Thank you James!
16:20:00 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Can we partner with Strava / Runkeeper ?
16:20:08 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Not Strava
16:20:12 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : (Not for me)16:26:54 From Helena Lee to Everyone : Thanks for an interesting day, I look forward to any follow up. I have to go now.
16:27:54 From Nik Wakefield to Everyone : Andrew supervised my MA! Thanks Andrew!
16:28:09 From David Sidley to Everyone : Just a quiet aside from me; thank you to the organisers and all presenters for sharing. Running can definitely sometimes drag, but to see the images, hear the sounds and words and ideas/thoughts of everyone shows just how much exciting possibility is present in the simple act of running - very motivating/invigorating.16:30:20 From Beth C to Everyone : I would love to see everyone's work curated together on a blog or site!16:31:16 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Great idea Beth. I have been fascinated by the similarities and differences in our approaches and would like to know more
16:32:45 From Chris Wright to Everyone : I think having our own space that we can think and look more deeply at what we have presented would be good.
16:33:31 From Chris Wright to Everyone : To see things side by side
16:33:42 From Nik Wakefield to Everyone : For the recording of today, what’s going to happen with it? Might be nice as a chaptered video online that people can dip into? Just thinking that a whole day recording might be difficult for others to engage with.
16:34:07 From Beth C to Everyone : @Nik I believe it will be on YouTube!
16:34:27 From Beth C to Everyone :
16:35:09 From Beth C to Everyone : A chaptered video would be a great idea though
16:37:00 From Beth C to Everyone : Timestamps could be a simple solution16:41:00 From Amanda Loomes to Everyone : Thank you to all the organisers/presenters. You have reminded me that breaking into a run is one of the most difficult/essential/joyful/ridiculous/inspiring/painful/playful/rebellious things to do - especially as you get older. Off to knit some woollen socks. Thanks to all. 16:41:11 From Sharon Wilson to Everyone : Yes fine with the list 16:41:24 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Yes, fine with list too 16:42:50 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Running Anthology as assemblage-body :D 16:42:54 From Beth C to Everyone : Yes thank you everyone! the conversations we've had today + connecting with other runners has also been really helpful for me dealing with peroneal tendonitis at the moment - thinking outside of the conservative approach of body ownership :) 16:43:23 From Sharon Wilson to Everyone : Thanks for the day. Bye for now. 16:43:27 From Beth C to Everyone : CONGRATULATIONS!! 16:43:33 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Brilliant choice! 16:43:46 From Nik Wakefield to Everyone : Well deserved both! 16:43:57 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Well deserved you both!!!! 16:44:04 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Congrats to both!! 16:44:22 From David Sidley to Everyone : Great stuff, congratulations both! 16:44:30 From Kai Syng Tan (she/her) to Everyone : Maybe the last award too … 16:44:35 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Congratulations!! 16:45:09 From Kathryn Hughes to Everyone : Excellent well deserved winners! :D 16:45:23 From Veronique Chance to Everyone : Congratulations!! 16:45:43 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Thank you everyone, this was so good and thought provoking 16:45:49 From Natalie Pace to Everyone : Thanks for a great day xx 16:45:58 From Dan Simpson to Everyone : Really loved the chance to reflect on my own practices and have the opportunity to share 16:45:58 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : Thank you everybody!! Is anybody interested in keeping in touch? Email me 16:46:23 From Chris Wright to Everyone :, keep in touch taey 16:46:25 From Taey Iohe (her/them) to Everyone : I will invite you in the WhatsApp group to support each other’s running and arting. ;-) 16:47:00 From Beth C to Everyone : Thanks to everyone! 16:47:07 From Chris Wright to Everyone : Thanks everyone, great day! 16:47:09 From Nik Wakefield to Everyone : Thanks to everyone and especially organisers 16:47:25 From Manjeet mann to Everyone : Thank you so much everyone. If you want to know more about RTW please look at 16:47:32 From Matti Tainio to Everyone : Thank you everyone- it has been an excellent day!16:47:52 From Rebecca Elsdon to Everyone : Thank you everybody for a lovely day, its been well organised and cannot wait to see where this goes. 16:47:58 From Victoria Ohuruogu to Everyone : Thanks everyone, really insightful day
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