This page is a summary of some of the legacies of the 75th Anniversary of the 5th Pan African Congress Celebrations (#PAC75, 2020; see also here, here and here) to advance conversations and actions around Black Lives Matter, anti-Black racism, as well as anti-racism and anti-oppression in Manchester and the Northwest region and beyond, since 2020, co-led primarily with the humble role-model Professor Ola Uduku (now University of Liverpool Head of Architecture). These efforts took place during my time in Manchester 09/2019-06/2023 and highlight the need for joined-up, tentacular and intersectional approaches, in solidarity with other minoritised and marginalised efforts, towards collective liberation. The tabs below details #PAC75 impacts including the Race Equality Action Planning group (REAP, 2020-2023), and Anti-Racism Reading Group (ARRG, 2021-ongoing, despite the lack of funding; we will be celebrating my book launch in 03/2025 in-person at the Poetry Library). Other key players were the Manchester Poetry Library and Professor of World Literatures in English Jade Munslow Ong. Research Assistants Dr Stefanie El Madawi and Erica Conchis were key in assisting me in this body of work. For my other related efforts during my Manchester run, see MA Creative Arts Leadership programme which I designed, and the Common Room which I instigated for the Art and Performance department which also led to a range of positive ripple effects. The quote below by Poetry Library Director Becky Swain sums up my efforts during this time:
I want to nominate Kai Syng Tan for her individual and dedicated practice at Manchester Met to champion diversity and work to develop an inclusive campus. Kai has initiated and undertaken action through the Race Equality Activity Planning (REAP) Group that has promoted diversity, equality and inclusion for staff snd students across the university. This has included through her own research practice, but also dedication to anti – racist practice – including dedicated work leading colleagues in coordinating many of the A&H faculty activities centring on the 75th anniversary of the Pan African Congress and tirelessly advocating for resources to support key EDI work. Kai has advocated for cultural leadership programmes, and even setting up a book group that has regularly brought together colleagues to discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry and non fiction that focuses on BAME authors and experiences of racism.
BEcky SWAIN 2022
#PAC75: 2020
In August 2020, I co-curated the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the 5th Pan African Congress (PAC@75) with Professor Ola Uduku. PAC@75 celebrated the impact of Manchester on global history in nationhood, leadership, and Black Lives Matter. The idea to celebrate the Congress was first conceived by Prof. Uduku with Dr Shirin Hirsch and Dr Marie Molloy. A contribution I made was the recommendation and creation of a theme to synthesise the range of proposed activities by the Manchester Poetry Library, Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Centre, Big Music People and others, into a single coherent festival. The successful attainment of a Global Challenges Research Fund, drafts of which I reviewed and provided feedback for, sealed Manchester Met’s leadership for the 11 regional cultural and academic collaborators. Guided by the Faculty’s PVC, DPVC and RKE Head, I worked with the University’s Marketing and the Faculty’s technical team and, in October 2020, I oversaw the delivery of four days of creative seminars, performances, and workshops online. PAC@75 successfully advanced Manchester Met’s standing as a regional leader for Black History Month and Equity Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Prof. Uduku praised my efforts, stating ‘I can confirm that your dedication to work is most amazing and, with the support that MMU has been able to give, it has been central to our delivery of the successful PAC@75 programme’. The educational (plus research and citizenship) impacts of PAC@75 are exponential and lasting, helping to bridge the gap between Manchester Met’s internationalisation, race equality, and EDI aspirations and their realisation – agendas I continue to drive. Highlights include:
- PAC@75 reached 18.2 million people worldwide, and saved Manchester Met £168,000 in advertising (equivalent advertising value/EAV, Dominic Smith, Press & Comms): I invited global majority students and alumni to design visual assets, which were proudly used to advertise PAC@75. Students were also given the unique opportunity to be leaders, chairing sessions featuring Afua Hirsch, Princeton Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah, poet Carol Ann Duffy DBE and more, and were featured on an hour-long BBC Radio 4 programme devoted to the themes of our celebrations. Other outputs include bespoke webpages and a YouTube channel (2000 views in the first week). The Faculty donated Appiah’s fee of £500 to the Du Bois Foundation in Ghana, further broadening Manchester Met’s global reach.
- PAC@75 outputs are still used by Universities in Edinburgh and even Africa to decolonise their curricula and research. Irene Appeaning Addo from the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana stated: ‘I was particularly excited to see Ghanaian students, specifically and African (Diaspora) and students generally, participating actively in the event and celebrating their ancestors and promoting “blackness” […]. The resources would be particularly useful for my teaching and especially for its historic contents and great Pan African thinkers’.
- I worked with Manchester Met’s Legal team to co-ordinate the production of a formal, streamlined consent form for Manchester Met and the Universities of Manchester and Salford for the ongoing use of resources in pedagogy and research, to support future tri-institutional collaboration.
- I wrote up findings from PAC@75 into two academic articles, one of which conceptualises an anti-racist pedagogical toolkit: ‘Towards an Anti-Racist Fine Art PhD: “Anti-Racism Productive Antagonisms (ARPA)” for the Supervisor, Student, Examiner’ published in Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education (Tan 2021), and cited as exemplary by the Association for Art History and the Clore Leadership programme. My proposed method was also applied in a workshop she delivered for the board of a music group comprising senior managers from the Royal Northern College of Music and BBC Philharmonic Orchestra;
- This anti-racism pedagogy attracted a new PhD student, the critically acclaimed composer Daniel Kidane (BBC Proms 2019). I am Principal Supervisor for his thesis The Sound of Decolonisation, and the supervisory team are staff from RNCM and the National Archives.
- 2022: Dr Jade Munslow Ong (Salford) and Dr Shirin Hirsch (ManchesterMet), both PAC@75 and REAP key collaborators, have been named BBC/AHRC New Generation Thinkers 2022. Listen to Free Thinking on BBC Radio 3 on BBC Sounds or Arts & Ideas podcast for details. In 2024, Dr Ong became full Professor.
- I was nominated for the Manchester Met Equality Award in both 2021 and 2022 for my efforts in PAC@75 and REAP by Becky Swain, Director of Manchester Poetry Library and key collaborator for both PAC@75 and REAP, says the following in her 2022 nomination statement:
REAP: 2020-2023
PAC@75’s success led to the co-founding of the Race Equality Action Planning group (REAP) with Prof. Uduku and E&D Specialist Mona Patel. This was a 59-member cross-institutional alliance in the NorthWest, including Manchester Poetry Library, Ripples of Hope Festival and, since late 2021, with Prof. Uduku’s move, University of Liverpool. REAP sought to catalyse, collate, produce, and disseminate cultural and creative activities to advance conversations and actions on anti-racism in the region. Highlights:
- REAP activities in 2021 included a public seminar with Sociology’s Dr Patrick Williams on policing of minoritised people, and interventions on Instagram led by alumna Rudi May Hart as responses to anti-Asian hate.
- BLM 2021: A particular highlight for REAP was a collaboration with University of Salford’s Documentary MA, where Prof. Uduku and I, along with historian Dr Jade Munslow Ong of Salford, mentored four students who proposed, researched and produced a 20-minute film The Pan-African Congress: 1945 and Today. As part of Black History Month 2021, I curated the launch event at Manchester Poetry Library, and worked with RISE to make this a credit-bearing unit. The event received positive feedback from Manchester Met’s DFPVC Prof. Abigail Gregory and Provost and DVC Prof. Steve Decent, who gave the opening address: ‘Excellent event – thank you for inviting me. I really enjoyed that. The film and discussion were wonderful. Delighted to see this as part of REAP and Black History Month 2021’.
- Materials are now included as learning resources on the University of Manchester’s MA History programme ‘Remaking Modern British History’ (30 credits and 15-credit option).
The inclusive approaches, how REAP and PAC@75 have modelled new EDI-centred possibilities of leadership, and ongoing teaching/learning impacts pre-empt the ethos of the new Civic University Agreement that Manchester Met signed, and act as a powerful conduit for us to think about Manchester Met’s strategic goals around EDI and community in our Road to 2030. It has developed lasting cultural, pedagogical and research materials, approaches, communities, networks, and structures.
A key intervention within REAP and now emerging as its own strand is the Anti-Racism Reading Group (ARRG).
- 2021-2023: The group was unique in how it connected staff with students, white with global majority people, professional (including International Office) with academic staff (including HoD Design), the arts and culture with other ‘species’ (including Business School), and HEI with public. Participants shared novels and poetry, which contribute to MMU Library’s ‘BAME reading list’ to spur yet others to decolonise their teaching/learning. Many praised the group’s ‘less intimidating’ approach compared to the university Race Forum to learn about and practise allyship. Collaborating with mechanisms like RISE (Guardian University Award winner 2020), ARRG activities enabled students to earn credits, while staff extend their teaching portfolios and profiles by sharing skills and lived experience with students beyond CA-HE.
- Since 07/2023 when I joined University of Southampton: Despite no funding, ARRG is persisting, and carried out online across institutions including UoS, MMU, University of Liverpool, University of Cambridge and more. We have since held sessions to discuss Gaza, and hosted Kani Kamil (artist and PhD candidate, Manchester School of Art, on the themes of mis/translation, archives, intersectional identities; especifically focusing on the archive of Kurdish women’s experiences in Iraq.
- In particular, great work is carried out by the University of Cambridge Homerton Anti-Racist Reading Collective which is led by Dr Dita N Love who has set up the collective drawing on their time with the Anti Racism Reading Group. Dita is Junior Research Fellow Education of Homerton College, Research Associate of Cambridge Digital Humanities, and Associate Member of Arts and Creativities RG Faculty of Education.
The following are details about the ARRG — get in touch to join/support us:
- ARRG: The Anti-Racism Reading Group was founded by the Manchester School of ArtDepartment of Art and Performance EDI team Dr Kai Syng Tan and Dr Hannah Singleton, as well as the Race Equality Activities Group (REAP), and is now hosted by the Manchester Poetry Library. It is a legacy of the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the 5th Pan African Congress #PAC75.
- WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘READING’: We particularly welcome non-academic texts (poetry, novels, short stories, graphic novels), and also welcome expanded understanding of ‘reading’ to include materials beyond the written/spoken word only like film, performance, music, etc.
- WHOM WITH/FOR/BY: The sessions are currently not public, but open to staff and students of member institutions.
- FORMAT: The sessions are usually led by the person who selected the ‘reading’. We usually spend 45 minutes to share our responses, and the final 15 minutes to discuss ways to look out for + look after one another in today’s challenging HE environments.
- INCLUSIVE SPACE: Our sessions are inclusive. Any discriminatory language or behaviour will not be tolerated. Racism, Islamophobia, Transphobia, Anti-Semitism, Ableism, and/or any forms of prejudice based on variations in our cognitive and communicative and behavioural setups, ability, Asylum status, Class, Ethnicity, Gender, Gender presentation, Nationality, or Religion is NOT welcome here. Do not worry if you haven’t managed to read all materials – simply turn up to join the discussion.
- ENQUIRIES/ ACCESS: For enquiries and/or more accessible formats contact the Poetry Library Learning Manager Roma Havers If you are keen to lead future sessions and/ or have any suggestions please let us know.
- Laryea, Rosemary. 2020. ‘BBC Radio 4 – Africa United In Manchester’. BBC. 27 November 2020.
- PAC@75 Press release October 2020
- PAC@75 Celebrations overview
- PAC@75 Website
- PAC@75 YouTube
- PAC@75 Further resources
- PAC@75 as featured on our partners’ and friends’ platform: Universities of Manchester, Salford, See My World/Creative Lancashire and Transnational Architectural Group.
- PAC@75 in the news: Manchester Evening Press,
- PAC@75 on Twitter
- PAC@75 on Wikipedia (screenshot below)
- PAC@75 blogs by Prof Ola Uduku here, and here (with Dr Shirin Hirsch and Dr Marie Molloy)
- PAC@75’s legacy: Race Equality Activities Planning (REAP) since 2021
- My article (2021), ‘Towards an anti-racist Fine Art Ph.D.: ‘Anti-racism productive antagonisms” (ARPA) for the supervisor, student and examiner’, Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 20:1, pp. 49–63, Abridged version on Clore Leadership website here
- REAP and Black History Month (BHM) 2021, and here
- Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage MCPHH Podcast BHM 2021 featuring Prof. Ola Uduku, Dr Marie Molloy and myself
- REAP-EDI through Art and Performance EDI Week Spring 2021 Collaboration: Seminar with Sociologist Dr Patrick Williams with Prof. Ola Uduku. Williams is an acclaimed sociologist whose recent work includes a report, ‘Being Matrixed: the (over) policing of gang suspects in London’ in collaboration with Stopwatch Charity to research the experiences of gang suspects in London
- REAP launch of film by University of Salford MA Documentary students at Manchester Poetry Library as part of BHM 2021: see here and here
- REAP-EDI through Art and Performance EDI Week February 2022 Collaboration: Seminar with Gen Z Changemakers Rudi May Hart and Aislinn Finnegan Intersectional Anti-Racism through Art and Culture: A Conversation with Change-makers.
- By ‘EDI’ I am referring to Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity. Like ‘BAME’, ‘Asian’, ‘neurodiversity‘ etc, it is a problematic term (not least because it became ‘on trend’ circa summer 2020, as if justice and human rights didn’t matter before). Still – and hence – it is important to engage with the term and to work with other colleagues to clarify how things can be.
- 2024 update: By now we know that, surprise surprise, ‘We are out of love. Pledges of EDI or DEI during BLM 2020 that have now all but DIED.‘
Top: REAP logo featuring artwork We Stan’ by artist Aislinn Finnegan, designed by Erika Conchis. Middle: Diagram illustrating the genesis of PAC@75 and REAP.