Tag: octopussy
I am a UK-based Artist, Curator, Consultant, Academic, HyperActive Running-Messenger, Atypical Octopussy and Exceptionally Talented Mind-Full BusyBody Extraordinaire. All roles are messily/magically entangled in an interdependent nexus: my curatorial practice and research are extensions of my collage/bricolage/multi-disciplinary approach in my solo practice; my curating, teaching and conceptual framing of leadership draw on (my) socially-engaged art and artistic intervention, and so on. My tentacles are everywhere, and mobilise everything and anything: my body, mind, the bodies and minds of other people, money, power, the city, images, moving images, words, concepts, other people’s concepts and more. Read here on how the octopus’s unique setup of three hearts and 9 minds have driven what I do https://srheblog.com/2022/11/16/using-tentacular-pedagogy-to-change-the-he-culture/

This op-ed for The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE, 16 Nov 2022) outlines an inclusive and heuristic (co-) creative teaching/learning praxis that I term ‘tentacular pedagogy’ (TP), that aims to make creative arts in Higher Education more inclusive and socially-engaged, and for CA-HE to play a more (pro-)active leadership role within HE and beyond in nurturing a more creative and compassionate future, amid the perma- and omni-crises within UK HE and beyond.

Since 2019, I have been thinking about ‘Artful Leadership’: thinking, making, organising and being in ways that are artful, agile and atypical. This is about leading within, as well as beyond the arts/cultural realms, by which I refer to being embedded within the socio-political structures, to effect cultural, social and systemic change.