Invited Keynote Lectures, Artists Talk and/or Conferences & Masterclasses as Curator, Chair, Convenor or Presenter. Public speaker/storyteller for >100 global platforms across liberal & creative arts & humanities, psych- & social- sciences, including at Association of American Geographers Annual Conference in Chicago, University of Oxford and Museum of Sydney, & more, often in the mode of a scripted & cinematic performance-lecture. My Masterclasses knock & mock the “Master’s” (sic) dominant narratives, so that with participants, we learn tactics to co-create & celebrate cacophony of new, erased, forgotten, future-facing & other stories to collectively dismantle structures that have housed & supported these dangerous singular stories & other fake news. I have also presented at several of the Royals (Royal Geographical Society, Royal Society of Art, Royal Institute of Philosophy). For my advisory roles, click here. To return to my CV, click here

  1. 2024: ‘Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership: A decolonial, neuro-queered and co-creative practice’. Baltic Circle, Finnish National Gallery Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland.
  2. 2024: British Art Network’s Disability in British Art (DIBA) panel discussion ‘How can we create an accessible curatorial language and framework for understanding and interpreting disability representation in visual art, galleries and collections?’  DIBA comprises Ashok Mistry, Trish Wheatley, Colin Hambrook and Heather Peak
  3. 2025: ‘Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership: A decolonial, neuro-queered and co-creative practice’.
  4. 2024: Tan, K.S. (2024) ‘Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership: A decolonial, neuro-queered and co-creative practice’. Neurodiversity in the Arts Symposium, University of Arts Helsinki, with Research in Arts and Education Journal and International Disability Studies Arts and Education Network, 22 November. Available at: Invited by Dr Tim Smith, member of the 435-member global Neurodiversity In/& Creative Research Network which I set up, as part of his research project, Artis­tic Processes of Uni­ver­sity Art Stu­dents Self-Iden­ti­fy­ing Along the Neu­ro­di­ver­sity Spec­trum (which seeks to learn about the neurodiversity experience of students’ engagement with artistic thinking within their artistic processes). How the symposium is organised in its provision for access is looking like the ‘gold standard’ of what neurodiversity-friendly academic activities should look like (relaxed; multi-modality with one online and one offline version; provision of quiet room, intersectional contextualisation of approach).
  5. 2024: Neuro-Futurism and Re-Imagining Leadership: Catalysing Change through Artful Agitation. Performance-lecture for UK book launch of book. John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK, 4 September. Available at: .
  6. 2024: Panel member,  Socially Transformative Creative Education Panel Discussion, responding to Keynote Lecture Decolonizing Design: A Cultural Justice Guidebook by Dr Elizabeth ‘Dori’ Tunstall (design anthropologist and the first black dean of design anywhere), Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD,  the UK association for 67 educational institutions with degree or postgraduate provision in art and design) Annual Conference 2024: Unlocked. Creativity and Culture for Positive Change, V&A Dundee, UK. Other panel members: CHEAD EDI Director Sophie Amono , Design Council Chief Design Officer Cat Drew, Cooper Gallery DJCAD Principal Curator Dr Sophia Yadong Hao. Chair: Professor Catherine Dormor. See reflection here.
  7. 2024 Participant, First International Conference on Embodied Education: Breaking new grounds in embodied education, Aarhus University May 2024 with new performance-lecture Tentacular Pedagogy: An Embodied Strategy towards Transforming Higher Education Culture
  8. 2024: Artist’s Talk, Loughborough University, invitation by artist Dr Eleanor Morgan for undergraduate and cultural/design MA.
  9. 2024: Creativity, Diversity and Neurodiversity: A transdisciplinary conversation with Kai Syng Tan, City, University of London. Invitation by Associate Dean (EDI), School of Communication and Creativity. 
  10. 2024: Interview with neurodivergent pupils (aged 11-14) of Fairfield High School, Bristol UK, at the invitation of SENDCo and Director of Individual Development Kate Smee. The recorded clip was broadcast during the school assembly.
  11. 2023: Speed-date. With Professor of Psychology and inventor of the term ‘Neuroqueer’, Nick Walker. To join session, sign up onto Neurodiversity In/& Creative Research Network and introduce yourself.
  12. 2023: Discussion, alongside Keisha Thompson (Artistic Director & CEO, Contact Theatre). House of Imagination, Creativity, Arts and Culture in Education: Women in Creative Leadership series. Book tickets here.
  13. 2023: Masterclass. University of Sussex CHASE Knowledge Exchange Hub. How to Thrive in 2050? On neurodiversity and creative knowledge exchange. Book tickets here.
  14. 2022: Workshop on neurodiversity with Tan Chin Hwee (World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, dyslexic disruptor and community leader, plus Trafigura Asia-Pacific CEO) and colleagues of Trafigura in Singapore. Trafigura is the world’s leading commodity trading house, and is part of Trafigura, which has a revenue of US$231 billion in 2021. Says a participant: ‘Thank you for […] generously sharing your knowledge and experience on the topic of neurodiversity.  I found it very informative and insightful. Particularly that we should not be too quick to label or judge, because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people of all ages, genders, races, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds experience. With this appreciation, we as a family, company, community or nation may be better able to harness this diversity as a strength, rather than a weakness’.
  15. 2022: Keynote. LUCA School of Art, Belgium
  16. 2022: Keynote. Design Management Summer Degree Exhibition, University Arts London (UAL)
  17. 2022: Invited Speaker. Discussion on philosophy, psychiatry and public mental health, Royal Institute of Philosophy Festival, Home, Manchester
  18. 2022: Invited Speaker, discussion on neurodiversity, at Material Source, hybrid Manchester hub for North West’s architecture and design community. More details soon.
  19. 2022: Invited Masterclass on neurodiversity (University of Cambridge). Related conference: “Going Places” with the Spoken Word Community: Youth Education Between Spiritual & Poetic Justice
  20. 2022: Invited Special Guest. Newcastle Contemporary Art, at invitation of architect and University of Newcastle PhD candidate Sarah Ackland for Taking Space, which is part of the Matrix Feminist Design Collective. Premiered Pro-Perspirant Provocations
  21. 2022: Masterclass. With Mohammed Rashed, University of Oxford, Mind, Value and Mental Health: Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School 2022 
  22. 2022: Panel. FUEL4Design: Future Education and Literacy for Designers, European consortium: Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Milano, Elisava, and Central St Martins UAL 
  23. 2022: Workshop. How to Thrive in 2050? By Pushing Forward with ‘Adult Themes’ Castlefield Gallery, Manchester  
  24. 2022: Speed-dates. With US Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology Stephen Faraone (Institute For Human Performance, Upstate Medical University, NY) & Professor of Creative Practice Pedagogy Susan Orr (Pro Vice Chancellor Education De Montfort University) Attenborough Arts Centre Instagram live @attenboroughac
  25. 2021: Discussion. Crisis in Higher Education. A conversation with artists in ‘The World Is a Work in Progress’, Leicester UCU branch & former University staff
  26. 2021: Workshop. Postgraduate Research, Kingston School of Art, Kingston University 
  27. 2021: Artist’s Talk. Attenborough Arts Centre
  28. 2021: Keynote. European Network for higher arts education (ELIA, with 300,000 members of lecturers, educators, researchers, technicians, and students across 282 institutions in 48 countries Europe, N and S Americas, Australia and Asia 
  29. 2021: CPD. For 870 international mental health researchers and professionals for 14th International Conference on ADHD, Berlin, Germany
  30. 2021: Keynote & CPD. For 186 Association of Dyslexia Specialists in HE (ADSHE)
  31. 2021: Keynote. H0thouse, on a post-pandemic future via history of cinema. Singapore  
  32. 2021: Discussion. With Iniva, Wellcome et al, ‘Multicultural Art Institutions at Crossroads: Pressing Challenges by Centre for Creative Arts, Cultures & Engagement’, London Metropolitan University
  33. 2020: Discussion. With Ashokkumar Mistry. DNR_RND: Artist & Academic Kai Syng Tan. Disability Arts Online 
  34. 2020: Discussion. Neurodiversity and art. University Arts London Student Union 
  35. 2020: Discussion. On technology, art-making and political communication. Digital Dada Salon
  36. 2020: Seminar. On being an exceptional talent, for performance researchers and makers. Salford University
  37. 2020: Talk. On ‘artfulness’ for a post-pandemic world. Bunker Talks & MMU Summer Art School show
  38. 2020: Masterclass. for 5.9m Euro EU Horizon 2020 funded consortium of 17 partners from 8 European countries & US, ‘Ten Reasons to Collaborate with Neurodiverse & Creative Allies’ 
  39. 2020: Performance-Lecture. For 130 Fellows, ‘What could a neurodiversity-led 2050 look like? A manifesto’ Royal Society of Arts Virtual Coffeehouse Conversation: Neurodiversity & the Future of Work
  40. 2020: Keynote. Commissioned Solo Programme. ‘Be Ill-Disciplined’. Performingborders and Contact Theatre. Invited artist Ashok Mistry to chair. Part of Contact Theatre’s nomination for Manchester Cultural Award 2021 
  41. 2020: Discussion. Reimagining commissioning. What would the perfect commission look like? Unlimited & Bagri Foundation 
  42. 2020: Workshop. This is Not An Ally. On performative allyship. For senior staff from board of new music ensemble.  
  43. 2020: Performance-Lecture. This is Not An Ally. Manchester School of Art
  44. 2019: Keynote & Masterclass, Plymouth College of Art 
  45. 2019: Convenor, Chair. Sisterhood? NTU Centre for Contemporary Art, Singapore
  46. 2019: Keynote. 4th National Conference SOS Dyslexia in San Marino. Invitation by Professor Antonella Gagliano of Messina University, Professor Giacomo Stella, Director of Scientific Committee of the Conference
  47. 2019: Poster. Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress 
  48. 2019: Performance-Lecture. Science Museum. Part of The Material Culture of Health Activism
  49. 2019: Performance-Lecture.  4th National Conference SOS Dyslexia in San Marino
  50. 2019: Performance-Lecture. Reading University. Invited by Prof of Social Pharmacy Kath Ryan 
  51. 2019: Discussion. Philosopher-psychiatrist Mohammed Rashed’s book launch. Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL
  52. 2019: Artist Statement & Image. Representing the Medical Body. Science Museum. London
  53. 2019: Performance-Lecture. Reading University. Invited by Prof of Social Pharmacy Kath Ryan  
  54. 2018: Open-Mic Performance, Chair. King’s Artists: New thinking, New Making. Bush House Arcade
  55. 2018  Performance. With Lois Bentley. MA Art & Science seminar, Central Saint Martins
  56. 2018 Workshop. King’s Undergraduate Medical Education in the Community Teacher Development. KCL
  57. 2018: Performance-Lecture. Discussion, Exhibition. Unlimited Festival, Southbank Centre
  58. 2018: Keynote. Understanding Neurodiversity in HE & Beyond. Kings College London. Video now used for training. Neurodiversity toolkit now used UK-wide
  59. 2018: Keynote, Convenor. Arts & Mobilities Inaugural Symposium. Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster Uni.
  60. 2018: Performance-Lecture. For Nursing BSc staff & students. Guy’s Hospital
  61. 2018: Discussion. Be There at The Start. Unlimited/Arts Admin. Attenborough Arts Centre
  62. 2018: Chair, Discussion. Art Workers’ Guild 
  63. 2018: Performance-Lecture. Third Museums for Health and Wellbeing Conference. Thinktank, Birmingham
  64. 2018: Performance-Lecture. Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) seminar
  65. 2018: Co-Convener. PsychART 2018 conference for 170 delegates. Keynote: Stephen Fry 
  66. 2018: Discussion. Diversity and Inclusion, Disability History Month, KCL
  67. 2018: Performance-Lecture, Chair. 5th International European Network, Hyperkinetic Disorders. Edinburgh 
  68. 2018: Convenor, Chair. The Creative Researcher? Tactics for the Early Career Researcher. KCL with panel discussion
  69. 2017: Convenor. Monologue/Dialogues discussion. Koppel Gallery, London 
  70. 2017: Convenor. Talking Points. UCL Institute of Advanced Studies 
  71. 2017: Convenor, Chair. Mind Wandering: Worst Enemy or Best Friend? With Prof Philip Asherson, Prof Helen Chatterjee and others. SGDP, KCL 
  72. 2017: Performance-Lecture. PsychArt 2017. Supported by Royal College of Psychiatrists, on creativity & psychiatry
  73. 2017: Chair. On art+ ADHD UK Adult ADHD Network Congress
  74. 2017: Performance-Lecture. Hidden Projects (on invisible disability). Brighton Dome
  75. 2017: Performance-Lecture. Nordic Geographer’s Meeting. Geographies of Inequalities. University of Stockholm
  76. 2017: Convenor, Chair. Monologue/ Dialogues exhibition. Koppel Project
  77. 2017: Performance-Lecture. Mobilities, Literature and Culture Conference. Lancaster University
  78. 2017: Performance-Lecture. Singapore Open Media Art Festival 
  79. 2017: Art of Things Korea-Singapore media art forum. Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore
  80. 2016: Convener, Chair. RUN! RUN! RUN! Biennale 2016 #r3fest. Leeds Arts University, University College London, Cardiff Metropolitan University Indoor Stadium 
  81. 2016: Presenter. Beyond Interdisciplinarity: Situating practice in art-geography nexus. RGS-IBG Royal Geographical Society 
  82. 2016: Performance-Lecture. Royal Society for the Arts Fellowship Engage Series 2016. UK.
  83. 2016: Presenter. 3 posters. Museums for Health & Wellbeing Conf. Whitworth Gallery 
  84. 2015: Performance-Lecture. University of Helsinki at the invitation of Professor Sirpa Tani, Professor of Geography and Environmental Education. 2015: Invited Speaker. Anti-Festival Conference. Kuopio Academy of Design. Finland
  85. 2015: Speaker. ESRC-funded Running Dialogues. London
  86. 2015: Speaker. Running & Landscapes conference. Swedish Uni of Agricultural Sciences. Malmo
  87. 2015: Performance-Lecture. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. Chicago, USA
  88. 2015: Performance-Lecture.  Anti-Festival Pecha Kucha. Pub Pannuhuone. Kuopio, Finland.
  89. 2015: Performance-Lecture. Running and Landscapes conference. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Malmo
  90. 2015: Being Human Festival. Leeds Arts University
  91. 2015: Discussion. Workshop at Feminisms, Power,Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of Gender & Education Association 
  92. 2015: Chair. PhD by Design Conference. Leeds Arts University. UK. 
  93. 2015: Discussion. Fermynwoods Contemporary Arts. UK
  94. 2014: Performance. South East Asian Arts Festival. London
  95. 2014: Performance. Sensingsite. Central St Martins, UAL 
  96. 2014: Convener, Chair. RUN! RUN! RUN! International Festival of Running. Slade 
  97. 2014  Running & Creativity Workshop. Commissioned by UCL Art Museum
  98. 2014: Performance. UCL Art Museum. 
  99. 2013: Performance. PolyPly 24. Royal Holloway University. UK. 
  100. 2013: Performance. For Critical Studies MA. Topic: TRAND 5: Whatever Next? London 2013 & Beyond. Royal College of Art. Alongside Will Self, Iain Sinclair 
  101. 2012: Performance. European Art Research Network Conference. dOCUMENTA 13. 
  102. 2010: Performance. Luce Irigaray’s Sexuate Subjects: Politics, Poetics and Ethics. UCL
  103. 2010: Performance. Upgrade! Soft Borders New Media International Conference. Sao Paulo 
  104. 2010: Performance. Digital Research in Humanities & Arts Conference. Brunel University. Keynote: Stelarc.
  105. 2010: Performance. Off the Shelf Word & Image Festival. UCL 
  106. 2009: Keynote. For 2000 teachers & education experts. Art & Music Education Conference, Ministry of Education, Singapore
  107. 2009: Performance & Screening of new film. Human-Machine Relationships in 20-Century East Asia Conference, Oxford University
  108. 2007: Performance. Singapore Art Show. National Museum Singapore 
  109. 2006: Performance. 1) Round-table discussion. National Museum of Canberra. 2) Teaching of Art Practice Symposium, University of New South Wales. Sydney. 3) Museum of Sydney. Australia 
  110. 2005: Performance-Lecture. Making Music & Video in Real Time. Musashino Art University, Japan.  
  111. 2005: Performance-Lecture. Design Communications Department, Tama Art University. Tokyo, 
  112. 2004: Curator, Artist, Speaker, Performer, Moderator. Solo exhibition ISLANDHOPPING. ASK Gallery. Chaired discussion with Fluxus artist Takahiko Iimura, Tokyo, Japan
  113. 2004: Discussion. Twilight Tomorrow Conference. Singapore Art Museum 
  114. 2003: Discussion. Artists’ Night Vol. 3. Tokyo Wonder Site. Japan.
  115. 2003: Discussion. Asia Video Art Conference. Pola Annex Museum, Japan.
  116. 2002: Discussion. Yamagata in Tokyo: POST-FICTION!, Box Higashi Nakano, Tokyo Japan  
  117. 2001: Symposium. Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival. Japan
  118. 2001: Discussion. On Histories of Video Art. Earl Lu Gallery. With Song Dong. Singapore
  119. 1993: Artist’s Talk. LASALLE College of Art.