Tag: performance-lecture

My keynote lectures are often in the form of ‘performances-lectures’. Drawing on my cinematic roots, these are scripted, self-reflexive and terribly viewer-unfriendly. Juxtaposing text against images, sometimes dizzyingly so, they are punctuated by wordplay and jump-cuts, weaving fiction/fact, somber/frivolous, teasing/testing the audience with provocations, experimental positioning statements and open questions. Each show is a new script/slideshow, and a different experience – there are no repeats. Here are reconfigurations, which don’t half simulate the live process of simultaneity and multiplicity.

04/09/2024: You’re invited: John Hansard Gallery performance-lecture + discussion + map-making + fundraising

‘Astonishing, daring, pioneering, and much, much needed. At once inspirational, creative, subversive, and at times hilarious, Tan provides multiple strategies to disrupt and reclaim ideas and spaces about leadership.’…

05/2024: Introducing Tentacular Pedagogy and FAB PALS in Copenhagen

I am excited to share Tentacular Pedagogy: An Embodied Strategy Towards Transforming Higher Education Culture at the First International Conference on Embodied Education: Breaking new grounds in embodied education, Aarhus University, Denmark.

LECTURE/MASTERCLASS: Running as a feminist*, sweaty**, intersectional creative intervention

Pro-Perspirant Provocations premiered in July 2022 at Newcastle Contemporary Art, and was created at the invitation of architect and University of Newcastle Architecture PhD candidate Sarah Ackland to celebrate her new show Taking Space, an effort part of the Matrix Feminist Design Collective.

KEYNOTE LECTURE + FILM (5’20”): for EU-funded design futures pedagogy event + UAL design management staff & students

This new short film was created at the invitation of a design pedagogy event by European consortium FUEL4Design: Future Education and Literacy for Designers as International Respondent. A performance-lecture version was created as Keynote Lecturer for Deep Meaningful Conversations of the Design Management course, London College of Communication, University Arts London.

KEYNOTE: A ‘Tentacular Pedagogy’ to Lead 2050 for ELIA Academy

What should art schools change, so that we can lead change and thrive in, with and for the next generation? Since you asked me, I’ll recommend growing tentacles. This is my new keynote for Network for higher arts education with >300,000 members in 282 institutions in Europe, N and S Americas, and AustralAsia.


>100 invited / curated keynotes and conferences, including at Sao Paulo, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference in Chicago, University of Oxford and Museum of Sydney.

2 CPD units for 1056 live participants

In Spring 2021, I gave two presentations that were also CPD units, including one to 870 Europe-based mental health specialists from 17 countries (+ 6 languages and interpreters – almost as fabulous as Eurovision).

KEYNOTE: What should 2050 look like? A love letter to cinema 20’05” Singapore Art Week

Will we augment reality? Will we see with our body? Will we embrace death? Will we kill cinema? Will we kill the film school? Will we create the…

LECTURE+COURSE: Practice, Movement and Play in Learning: Lockdown Edition 64’16”

This is the 2020 lockdown edition of a workshop Practice, Movement and Play in Learning for the module ‘The Arts, Culture & Education and Learning, Participation & the Southbank Centre’ Module, as part of the MA in Education in Arts and Cultural Settings at King’s College London, which I have been delivering since 2019.

ARTICLE: Power, Play and Pedagogy through the PowerPoint Performance-Lecture

Power, Play and Pedagogy through the PowerPoint Performance-Lecture (International Journal of Management and Applied Research) Cite as: Tan, K. S. (2020), “Power, Play and Pedagogy through the PowerPoint…

Drawing with words: mapping creative, neurodivergent leadership 66’08”

Leadership: What is it? What could it be? Power posing: How is power performed? Why pose questions for those in power? Neurodiversity or neurodivergence? Being/becoming ill-disciplined: How to…

What could a neurodiversity-led 2050 look like? Re-run at Reading University 20’57”

This is a recording of a performance lecture I delivered on 6 August 2020 for University of Reading, a repeat of a keynote-lecture that premiered for Royal Society of Arts on 9 July 2020 which was attended by up to 130 people.

What could a neurodiversity-led 2050 look like? RSA premiere

Instead of OBE/MBE/CBE, we’ll have NDE (NeuroDiversity medal of Excellence). Universities will finally stop failing or boring people, offering interdisciplinary MASc and PhDs. ‘Neurodiversity’ will also become truly diversified. We’ll then run around with tentacles on our heads. New performance-lecture at Royal Society of Arts attended by 130 people.

This is not an ally

This is a new performance-lecture created in June 2020. It will premiere on 7 July 2020 at Manchester School of Art. It was developed from a talk I gave at Live Art Developmental Agency Summer 2019, by invitation by ‘allies’.

Running Studies

Watch commissioned Pecha Kucha Life on the RUN! RUN! RUN!, at My Life in Running, Pub Pannuhuone the ANTI Festival of Contemporary Art, Kuopio, Finland 2015 . In…

Exceptional Talent 01 :52:12

2020 version of Exceptional Talent, the State of Fun & Islands of After Death, on movement as a human right, which was first performed as a keynote-lecture at Peter Scott at the Inaugural Art & Mobilities Symposium 2018.

Why should you work with neurodiverse + creative allies? Here are 10 reasons 39’21”

This was a commissioned keynote lecture and masterclass for an EU-funded consortium of scientists CoCA at their Annual Meeting, University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany.

Body+mind in (com)motion disrupting a world in (com)motion

The body and mind in motion and commotion as a form of intervention and interrogation of and amid a world in motion and commotion. A non-linear slideshow performed at ANTI Festival of Contemporary Performance (Kuopio, Finland 2015) and Exparte at the Brick Lane Gallery (for the Singapore Tourism Board, 2015).

Running (In) Your City 30’22”

Running (In) your City is a book chapter in Mobilities, Literature, Culture (Palgrave Macmillan 2019) and performance-lecture (ESRC-funded ‘Running Dialogues’, Roxy Bar & Screen in London 2015).

Unreasonable Adjustments

Unreasonable Adjustments outlines the compromises I have to make to fit the neuronormative world. It premiered at Southbank Centre. Tour: 5th International European Network for Hyperkinetic Disorders Conference, Edinburgh and 4th National Conference SOS Dyslexia, San Marino.

Diversifying ‘neurodiversity’

Disability Arts Online 2018 article. One of its top 10 editorial pieces, later presented as a performance-lecture at the Science Museum.

Life On The RUN! RUN! RUN! 72’21”

This is a recording of a conversation I had with artist Melanie Manchot at Fermynwoods Contemporary Art, 4th August 2015. I also shared a performance-lecture called ‘Life On The RUN! RUN! RUN! in the form of a Prezi.

The Ill-Disciplined Running Messenger 04’34”

An early proposal of the running-messenger as disruptor and connector. UCL Institute of Advanced Studies.

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