FLOWN THE NEST: Life on the RUN! RUN! RUN! as a non-linear slideshow. It explores one of my central tenets/actions, of the body and mind in motion and commotion as a form of intervention and interrogation of and amid a world in motion and commotion. A non-linear slideshow performed at ANTI Festival of Contemporary Performance (Kuopio, Finland 2015) and Exparte at the Brick Lane Gallery (for the Singapore Tourism Board, 2015). Versions have been performed at ANTI Festival of Contemporary Performance (Kuopio, Finland 2015), where I was also described as ‘absolutely instrumental’ and ‘central’ to broadening the emerging ‘Running Studies’ (Professor Greg Whelan 2015), and Exparte at the Brick Lane Gallery (for the Singapore Tourism Board, curated by Annie Jael Kwan 2015) amongst others. See other dizzying slideshows here.