Since 2018, I have been a Visiting Lecturer at King’s College London for its Education in Arts and Cultural Settings MA, School of Education, Communication and Society. The Programme Director is Dr Anwar Tlili. Alumni of the programme includes Turner Prize winner 2021 Tom Wells.
I lead on 2 sessions: Practice, Movement and Play in Learning, and What will a Neurodiversity-led 2050 look like?, both for the module ‘The Arts, Culture & Education and Learning, Participation’ which until recently was delivered in partnership with the Southbank Centre. I regularly get positive email feedback from students.
On 24th November 2022, the latter session coincided with a national strike called by University College Union. To honour both my duty and the action, I designed a teach-out entitled: Art, Culture and Education: What could a neurodiversity-led 2050 look like? Staff and students visited Turner prize winner Tai Shani’s ‘church of the future’ solo exhibition entitled Your Arms Outstretched Above Your Head Coding With the Angels at the new gallery Gathering, Warwick Street, London and were treated to a 1.5 hour tour and discussion led by staff Gia. Gia was a fountain of knowledge, sharing insights about Tai Shani’s vision of the future, leaving the students requesting for more such in-situ sessions.