Outstanding programme by Rosemary Laryea on the 5th Pan African Congress in Manchester and how it relates to the Black Lives Matter movement of today. The BBC Radio 4 programme touched on the celebrations PAC@75: 75th anniversary celebrations of the 5th Pan African Congress Viewing the Past and Looking to the Future as part of Black History Month 2020 that I co-curated with the wonderful Professor Ola Uduku (now Head of Architecture, University of Liverpool) whom, alongside Manchester Metropolitan University students and our collaborators from Universities of Salford and of Manchester, are interviewed in the programme.
- Laryea, Rosemary. 2020. ‘BBC Radio 4 – Africa United In Manchester’. BBC. 27 November 2020.
- PAC@75 Press release October 2020
- PAC@75 Celebrations overview
- PAC@75 Website
- PAC@75 YouTube
- PAC@75 Further resources
- PAC@75 as featured on our partners’ and friends’ platform: Universities of Manchester, Salford, See My World/Creative Lancashire and Transnational Architectural Group.
- PAC@75 in the news: Manchester Evening Press,
- PAC@75 on Twitter
- PAC@75 on Wikipedia (screenshot below)
- PAC@75 blogs by Prof Ola Uduku here, and here (with Dr Shirin Hirsch and Dr Marie Molloy)
- PAC@75’s legacy: Race Equality Activities Planning (REAP) since 2021
- My article (2021), ‘Towards an anti-racist Fine Art Ph.D.: ‘Anti-racism productive antagonisms” (ARPA) for the supervisor, student and examiner’, Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 20:1, pp. 49–63, Abridged version on Clore Leadership website here
- REAP and Black History Month (BHM) 2021, and here
- Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage MCPHH Podcast BHM 2021 featuring Prof. Ola Uduku, Dr Marie Molloy and Dr Kai Syng Tan
- REAP-EDI through Art and Performance EDI Week Spring 2021 Collaboration: Seminar with Sociologist Dr Patrick Williams with Prof. Ola Uduku. Williams is an acclaimed sociologist whose recent work includes a report, ‘Being Matrixed: the (over) policing of gang suspects in London’ in collaboration with Stopwatch Charity to research the experiences of gang suspects in London
- REAP launch of film by University of Salford MA Documentary students at Manchester Poetry Library as part of BHM 2021: see here and here
- REAP-EDI through Art and Performance EDI Week February 2022 Collaboration: Seminar with Gen Z Changemakers Rudi May Hart and Aislinn Finnegan Intersectional Anti-Racism through Art and Culture: A Conversation with Change-makers.

Top: Screenshot of BBC Radio 4 Programme. Above: Screenshot of mention of PAC@75 under ‘Pan-African_Congress’ in Wikipedia