You can take a look at the same route tracked sehr scientifically using GPS on my page in GPSies – albeit ending up at my local Pesco’s to buy 35 tubs of some of my favourite jellied eel. Starting from last week, however, Kaidie has upped her training to 1 more loop, in preparation for her first ever Life 1.0 marathon in September, making it a total of about 18km under 2 hours each time. More updates about the race soon! Watch this space. Don’t you dare blink.
m4sk 22
all meanderings are unconscious drawings of constellations, it’s true! You have to watch ducks and pigeons in particular to see this vividly, but it’s true I tell you!
May 17, 2010 @ 06:17
Hi m4sk 22,
I should let my winged friends wear my GPS and make meandering GPS drawings for me! But I will have to clingfilm my Garmin first to make it waterproof.
May 22, 2010 @ 18:03
economic pressure to our lives requires an illusory psychic space
we ask to machine
machine gives us the exact location of the gps but cannot ask to machine if we are happy or who i m
this is not important
Jun 05, 2010 @ 21:19
Dear Desnos,
Thank you very much indeed for your message. Indeed we all create imaginary, parallel worlds (I call these dimensions ‘Life 2.0’!). Like you said, one of the causes of this could be economic pressures. The extent to which these ‘illusory psychic spaces’ play a significant role in our primary world (‘Life 1.0’) differs. Indeed, machines can tells us much but also cannot tell us all that much. I quite like the Buddhist view that it is actually ‘reality’, our primary world, that is illusory, and that our dreams/desires/ideals are that which is ‘real’. But speaking of happiness, some times, do you not think that one does not need to know, or be cognizant of the fact that one *is* happy, to *be* happy? Actually, that could be a nice kind of happiness… What do you think? …
Warmest regards
Jun 07, 2010 @ 17:38
i use traslate to write
a person can only say i was happy
but a person can not say now i m happy
why happiness’ becomes tru only when you remember about
so can tell now i know I was happy
the path identification of himself
has removed in Occ world
so the people live
consciousness of their lives
Science is not ‘free
or rather its investigation is free inside a project
constructed a priori
Jun 15, 2010 @ 22:14
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you very much for your message. Apologies for my late reply, but I am happy to hear that you are happy. I believe that I am happy as well, or rather, when I wrote this post, I was indeed extremely happy, at that time. However transient and momentary that lasts, let’s treasure that, and let us hope that our attempts to translate the happiness (into words, actions, works of art, etc) will generate more happiness
Warmest regards Kaidie
Jun 28, 2010 @ 23:06
Dear Kaidie
the world is a big thing where we be live and move
and at the end found the answer to all our questions
to day is a good day
ciao from italia
Aug 30, 2010 @ 23:54
Dear Desnos,
It’s great to hear from you again and thank you for your warm words – indeed the world is big! Running enlarges our worlds, internal and external. As you said, to day is a good day! Yusai Sakai, the marathon monk of Mount Hiei in Japan who completed the rigorous regime of running 40,000km in 1000 days TWICE, says ‘…(P)lease live each day as if it is your entire life. If you start something today, finish it today. Tomorrow is another world.’
Please have a lovely day too, Desnos!
Warmest regards
Sep 06, 2010 @ 07:18