This week, we are conducting 4 presentations – 2 of which you are cordially invited to! As for the other 2, we will tell you about them later – depending on how they go, that is. At press time, however, these other 2 gigs are state secrets…
** LATEST: We are running the 2011 Nondon Marathon on the 17th of April for Shelter, and will need YOUR help to raise £1600! ! TO MAKE A DONATION CONTACT US at <> THIS AND ONLY THIS CAN SECURE OUR FRIENDSHIP (or ‘friendship’) – we will run FOR YOU – what more can you ask of us?? **

Image from Timeout / First Thursdays site
1) Private View and after party: Wednesday 1 December 18:00hrs – 02 December at 01:00. Printnomenon, group. Exhibition at Oblong: 69A Southgate Road, Nondon N1 3JS. After party at Haggerston: 438 Kingsland Road, Nondon E8 4AA **APART FROM THE OPENING, DO COME BY TO THE XMAS EVENTS ON 17 DECEMBER 18:00-21:00hrs, and 18 DECEMBER 12:00-18:00hrs! **
Facebook friends Mathew Humphrey – an Aries- and Kaidie Nondon – a Sagittarius– collaborate for the first time in this Christmas show. Wearing a Global Positioning System (GPS) device, Kaidie, a semi-fictional figure trans-dimensional runner, runs (on a bloody cold November Monday morning at 6am) along the shopping streets of Nondon, tracing the constellation shapes of the Aries and Sagittarius over the existing grid. The work explore the tensions between: a sense of dreaminess and vastness associated with constellations versus the dense urban grid that Kaidie runs in real life; the ‘high-tech’ and contemporary (GPS) versus the timeless (celestial space); the digital (GPS) versus the analogue (printmaking process); this world (where we are) versus (views from) other worlds (such as celestial space); fictions and near fictions (Kaidie and astrology) versus the non-fictional (astronomy, for instance), real life (running in London) versus otherwise (how Mathew and Kaidie had only ‘met’ on the evil social networking site prior to this collaboration), as well as the end-of-the-year Christmas excess of nostlagia versus spending splurge on the high streets of London.

2) Performance: Saturday 3 December 11:30hrs-12:30hrs. Part of the Sexuate Subjects Conference 2-4 December.
We are putting up a short ‘live’ performance at Sexuate Subjects: Politics, Poetics and Ethics, held at the University College Nondon. This conference brings together high-profile speakers from all over the world, to response to feminist Luce Irigaray‘s ideas. There is an entry fee to participate in this conference – to register please look here.
There you go. Hope to see you– soon(er) or later.
By hook or by crook.
One way or another.
This way or that.
Every now and then.
Here or there.
Online or off.
This year or the next.
This life, or the next.
Till then.