Tag: higher education

29/11/2024: OP-ED: What’s love got to do with art and design OR How to dis-arm Musk and other white- autistic-supremacist cartoon-tycoons

My op-ed ‘What’s Love Got to Do with Neurodiversity and HE Art and Design? discusses the intersection of neurodiversity, the role of higher education art and design to counter the populist, love-less stormy reality today.

23/10: PODCAST: Tentacular Pedagogy: navigating Embodied Justice and Neurodiversity in HE

Watch my podcast on The Embodied Educator with Dr Liz Wientjes, where I discuss Tentacular Pedagogy and how it relates to social justice and anti-oppression.

OP-ED: Using Tentacular Pedagogy to change the HE culture

This op-ed for The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE, 16 Nov 2022) outlines an inclusive and heuristic (co-) creative teaching/learning praxis that I term ‘tentacular pedagogy’ (TP), that aims to make creative arts in Higher Education more inclusive and socially-engaged, and for CA-HE to play a more (pro-)active leadership role within HE and beyond in nurturing a more creative and compassionate future, amid the perma- and omni-crises within UK HE and beyond.

PROFILE: Teaching

Extending higher art education.

WORKSHOP: ‘You’re not a good fit for the standard academic!’ 59’35”

I was invited by Donald Lush, Careers Consultant at King’s College London, to discuss academic job applications with a focus on equality (or lack thereof!), on 7th May 2021.

Disability History Month 2020: MMU Role Model + UAL chat 48’42”

It is Disability History Month and this article was published by Manchester Metropolitan University. As its ‘Disabled Staff Role Model’, I talked about being a neurodivergent academic, and how I spent 12 hours to write 160 words in a form.

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